virtual disk getting bad blocks

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Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:34 pm

I'm often getting bad blocks and corruption in one of my blade servers but, not the others. It's seems that this one is more prone as there is a lot more disk activity. I need help resolving this issue as it's a critical active machine, subject to SLA

I have a Windows 2008 x64 blade server with SQL 2008. It boots up from another blade, running Starwind and Starport. The SAN is connected with dual 4gb ports to the blade running Starwind.

This particular blade that gets corrupted, is in a mirror configuration.

Thanks again
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anton (staff)
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Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:48 pm

1) Are there any errors reported in the StarWind logs (can you send them to us BTW).

2) Does Windows report something like "delayed write failed" etc?

3) Can you check your hard disk with surface scan? I mean do you have working hard disk itself?
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

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