CVM 15260 Rescan (how to fix)

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yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2744
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:15 am

We've just discovered that there can be an issue with rescanning for CVM 15260.
The fix should be in the next build, but here is how to fix it:

1. Make sure HA devices are synchronized and connected over iSCSI from all nodes. Rescan storage in ESXi if needed.
2. For each ESXi host, make sure
2.2. StarWind Rescan role has SYSTEM, HOST, VIRTUAL MACHINE, and GLOBAL privileges checked as solid checkboxes.
2.2. StarWind Rescan user and role have entry in permissions area of ESXi.
/opt/starwind/starwind-virtual-san/drive_c/ has correct username and password
3. For one VM
3.1. systemctl stop starwind-virtual-san
3.2. nano /opt/starwind/starwind-virtual-san/drive_c/starwind/starwind-virtual-san
3.3. Find and edit the line pointing with logwatcher. It should look like this
change it to
3.4. pip3 install pyinotify
NOTE: it requires internet connectivity. If connectivity cannot be granted, please wait for the next build.
3.5. systemctl start starwind-virtual-san
4. Wait for fast synchronization to complete.
5. Repeat for the remaining VM(s).
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