VSAN Free Upgrade - iSCSI local target stuck on Reconnecting

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Tue May 23, 2023 12:09 pm

I have just performed an in place upgrade of VSAN Free version to version 8.0.15020.0. All seemed to go okay, but now the iSCSI targets for the local upgraded node are stuck with status "Reconnecting".

On the non-upgraded node, the witness target from the upgraded node is now no longer in the list, and the CSV1 target is also showing as "Reconnecting".

On both machines, the CSV1 and witness targets from the non-upgraded show as "Connected".

I moved all roles and resources to the other node before upgrading as per the instructions. Have I missed a step?


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Tue May 23, 2023 2:01 pm

Having looked in the logs, I can see several lines as below:

Code: Select all

5/23 14:51:00.556840 1b8c Srv: *** iScsiServer::listenConnections: *LICENSE* Rejected iSCSI connection to from of 0 allowed clients already connected to the server!
Does the free license need updating?
yaroslav (staff)
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Tue May 23, 2023 2:04 pm

Check the synchronization running.
You can do that in Management Console which is available for monitoring only.
It is also possible because 1818 has a different value for Synchronization Journal in .swdsk than 15020 and the only way to carry out the update will be shutting down production -> updating the last standing node -> spinning up production -> waiting for full synchronization to complete.

1. Install Management Console and check the HA devices sync status.
a. if they are synchronizing, wait and update.
b. if one of them is saying "synchronization journal is different" and refuses to synchronize, follow the POA below
2. Shut down production.
3. Update StarWind VSAN on the remaining node.
4. Spin up production.
5. Wait for full synchronization to complete.

This can also be a license issue. Log the case with support@starwind.com use this thread as your reference.
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Tue May 23, 2023 2:27 pm

Hi Yaroslav. Thank you once again for the reply - the Management Console doesn't let me do monitoring, when I attempt to connect to either node I get a pop-up about the free license and that it only operates during a 30-day trial and then it disconnects. To be clear, is your next suggestion to press ahead with the upgrade on the other node to see if that sorts the problem? To be certain of what to do, I have contacted support via email as suggested and will be sure to post the conclusion to this problem on here.
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Tue May 23, 2023 2:39 pm

Another update, have run the PowerShell script "SyncHaDeviceAdvanced".

On the non-updated node, I get the following:

Code: Select all

Device synchronized
Device synchronized
However, on the updated node, it displays:

Code: Select all

Device not synchronized. Synchronize current node from partner 'iqn.2008-08.com.starwindsoftware:node2.mydomain.local-witness'
Failed to perform synchronization (1) from iqn.2008-08.com.starwindsoftware:node2.mydomain.local-witness
control 0x00000068929773C0 -Synchronize: -SynchronizationType:"1" -SynchronizerTargetName:"iqn.2008-08.com.starwindsoftware:node2.mydomain.local-witness"
200 Failed: connection with the synchronizer or partner node is invalid..
And on the updated node, if I run "SyncHaDevice", it displays:

Code: Select all

Synchronize device HAImage1
Failed to perform synchronization (1) from 
control 0x00000068929773C0 -Synchronize: -SynchronizationType:"1"
200 Failed: can't find available or valid partner for synchronization..
yaroslav (staff)
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Tue May 23, 2023 5:01 pm

To make it easier, let us work in support case for now.
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Fri May 26, 2023 9:31 am

This was a license change issue following the upgrade. All sorted with the assistance of the excellent StarWind team!
yaroslav (staff)
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Fri May 26, 2023 9:47 am

Thanks :)
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Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:13 am

StarWind team is always extremely efficient and excellent!
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:23 pm

We appreciate!
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

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anton (staff)
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:23 pm

== thread closed ==
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software
