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HowTo Mount Volumes with MS iSCSI Initiator and IPSec?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:43 pm
by dotnetpower

I have made some succesfull tests with your software and i think it is a really fine peace of software.

Mounting Volumes with Starport works fine with and without IPSec. But, the problem with starport is, i must be logged in to start the Application, without login, the volumes will not be mounted.

Working with the Microsoft iSCSI Initator works fine without IPSec. If I
enable IPSec, i'm not able to connect to my Starwind Server.

I search in this Forum and look on your Homepage but I cant find informations on how to configure MS iSCSI Initiator right to work with IPSec and Starwind.

Could you please provide me some informations how i can solve my Problem?

Thank you very much for your help and best regards,


Re: HowTo Mount Volumes with MS iSCSI Initiator and IPSec?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:38 pm
by anton (staff)
1) In the next StarPort release we'll have a service to mount images w/o user logon. So it would work identically to MS iSCSI.

2) Can you send us StarWind log? It says why login was unsuccessful.

dotnetpower wrote:Hello,

I have made some succesfull tests with your software and i think it is a really fine peace of software.

Mounting Volumes with Starport works fine with and without IPSec. But, the problem with starport is, i must be logged in to start the Application, without login, the volumes will not be mounted.

Working with the Microsoft iSCSI Initator works fine without IPSec. If I
enable IPSec, i'm not able to connect to my Starwind Server.

I search in this Forum and look on your Homepage but I cant find informations on how to configure MS iSCSI Initiator right to work with IPSec and Starwind.

Could you please provide me some informations how i can solve my Problem?

Thank you very much for your help and best regards,
