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StarWind 2.6.1 and 2.4.3 locking-up my Win2003 server system

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:34 pm
by Tim
After completing the normal install process for StarWind 2.6.1 I get the following problem:

> As soon as I 'Connect' a dialog box appears saying 'Please wait...'.
The progress bar gets to 100% but nothing else happens.
Pressing cancel gives some error dialogs (sorry, forgot to make a note).
Then whole machine is locked. I can do C-A-D but the 'Shutdown' never works. I have to do a hard reset.

After completing the normal install process for StarWind 2.4.3 I get the following problem:

> I can connect OK. It is when I try to add an SPTI device that the same problem as above. Progress box > error > hang. Hard reset required again.

This is my test system running Windows Server 2003 Standard SP1.
It has 2 SCSI drives (C: and D: ), 2 IDE drives (E: and F: ), 1 IDE DVD-ROM (R: ) and 1 IDE DVD-Writer (V: ).

The log is a little strange as it does not show that E: and F: are found!
Here are the logs for the 2.4.3 attempt:

Code: Select all

17:32:44:421 (3736) App: Staring the application...
17:32:44:687 (3736) Doc: Adding connection 'localhost:3260' ...
17:32:49:843 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' <<< login
17:32:49:843 (3736) P: Connecting to 'localhost:3260'...
17:32:53:671 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' connected.
17:32:53:796 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' >>> banner
17:32:53:796 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' >>> login reply '200 Completed.'
17:32:53:796 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' <<< list -what:"devices"
17:33:15:265 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' <<< list -what:"devices"-rescan:1
17:34:50:484 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' >>> list reply '105 '
17:34:50:500 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' <<< logoff
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' panic!
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' >>> logoff reply '105 '
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' >>> logoff reply '105 '
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' disconnecting...
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' panic!
17:34:50:515 (3736) P: Disconnect failed: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.

17:34:50:515 (3736) P: 'localhost:3260' panic!
17:34:54:828 (3736) App: Exiting the application...
17:58:01:734 (1112) App: Staring the application...
17:58:06:609 (1112) Doc: Loaded connection 'localhost:3260'.
17:58:22:828 (1112) App: Exiting the application...

Code: Select all

17:57:35:265 (378) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target Version 2.4.3 (Build 0x20050116, Win32)
17:57:35:265 (378) Srv: *** FREE NON COMMERCIAL version ***
17:57:35:265 (378) Srv: Please contact Rocket Division Software at <> for more details.
17:57:35:265 (378) Srv: Maximum number of clients allowed: 2.
17:57:35:265 (378) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\starwind.conf'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'LogLevel' = '1'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8000ffff'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'Interface' = ''
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'Login' = 'test'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'Password' = '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '1'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8000ffff'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to '$(host).$(symid)'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to 'test'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
17:57:37:593 (378) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
17:57:38:203 (378) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
17:57:38:687 (378) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
17:57:38:843 (378) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: the device 'RamDrive0' is opened successfully.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'RAMdisk.RamDrive0'.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: parameter 'size', value '16'.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: parameter 'format', value 'yes'.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: clustered 0.
17:57:38:921 (378) S: 1 session(s) allowed.
17:57:38:921 (378) conf: Target [0x94458] has been created. Device 'RamDrive0' is accesible as target ''.
17:57:38:921 (378) Srv: Refreshing device list...
17:57:39:953 (378) SPTI: '\\.\D:': Cannot open the device: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32).
17:57:40:031 (378) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\R:' found.
17:57:40:078 (378) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\V:' found.
17:57:40:187 (378) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0' found.
17:57:40:187 (378) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1' found.
ImageFile[378] *ERROR* ImageFile_Create: '\\.\C:': cannot open the image file (32).
17:57:42:437 (378) SCSI: Failed to create 'ImageFile3' device.
17:57:42:437 (378) Plugin: Test for device 'ImageFile3' failed.
17:57:42:515 (580) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...
17:57:42:515 (378) Srv: (FREE) Binding to ...
17:57:42:531 (378) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
17:59:01:218 (354) ntsrv: Got SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP signal.
17:59:01:609 (580) conf: Stop listening to control connections.
17:59:01:609 (378) Srv: Timeout 10 second(s)...
17:59:01:609 (378) Srv: Shutdown completed.
17:59:01:609 (378) S: the device 'RamDrive0' is closed.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:20 pm
by Val (staff)
Hi Tim,

We have never seen the problems you described.
It seems your hardware configuration does not allow some requests that StarWind sends trying to enumerate the SPTI devices.

Could you send me the log file from the StarWind service v2.6.1 with LogLevel=3 ?
(To set this value you need edit StarWind.conf manually and restart the service)
Also please send me your StarWind.conf file.

I see you tried to use the hard drive as image file fot the ImageFile plug-in. This is not allowed.
I'd suggest you using ImageFiles based on regular files stored on the hard drive. This method should work with any hardware adapters.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:41 pm
by Tim
Could you send me the log file from the StarWind service v2.6.1 with LogLevel=3 ?
(To set this value you need edit StarWind.conf manually and restart the service)
Also please send me your StarWind.conf file.
Ok, doing it now. System is hung as I type.
I see you tried to use the hard drive as image file fot the ImageFile plug-in. This is not allowed.
I'd suggest you using ImageFiles based on regular files stored on the hard drive. This method should work with any hardware adapters.
I never got a far as adding any devices!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:51 pm
by Tim

Code: Select all

# StarWind iSCSI server configuration file.
# This file contains list of SCSI devices that will be accessible to iSCSI.
# The device name should be placed in the first column followed by the target name.
# The device name and the target name should be separated by at least one space. 
# $Id: starwind.conf,v 1.26 2005/03/11 17:11:04 valery Exp $


# LogLevel values: (0-Disabled, 1-Errors, 2-Warnings, 3-all messages)
LogLevel = "3"

# Don't change the LogMask if you have no idea what does it mean!
LogMask = "0x8fffffff"

# Port number for iSCSI connectons
Port = "3260"

# Interface to listen to. "" corresponds to "listen to all interfaces".
Interface = ""

# Macros:
#   $(host)  - host name
#   $(symid) - symbolic target id ('cdrom.z' for example)

# Uncomment the line below to have global target id as part of target name
DefTargetName = "$(host).$(symid)"

# Username and password used for the control connection.
Login = "test"
Password = "##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=="

# CHAP authentification for control connections
#CtlAuthMode = "chap"
#CtlAuthServerName = "srv"
#CtlAuthServerSecret = "123"
#CtlAuthClientName = "user"
#CtlAuthClientSecret = "345"

# 'Echo = yes' - enables echo for control connections.
Echo = "no"
# Minimal 'maximum transfer length' should be supported by all SPTI devices
MinBufferSize = "65536"

# 'Minimal' aligment mask for SPTI devices - all buffers passed to SPTI will 
# be aligned according to this mask at least. Sure if an adapter requests 
# bigger aligment target will supply correctly aligmned buffers.
AlignmentMask = "0x0000"

# Setting 'AllowOnlyRecordableCd' to 'yes' forces the target to filter out all but 
# recordable CD/DVD.
#AllowOnlyRecordableCd = "no"

# Auto Export some of the found Devices
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:disk,spti:cd/dvd"
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:cd/dvd"

# Devices are autoexported as read/write by default
# set AutoConfigMode="ro" to allow only readonly access to all the devices
#AutoExportMode = "ro"

# Length of iSCSI queue. (min 16, max 512)
MaxPendingRequests = "64"


# Plugins
# Parameters (mandatory):
#     -module  - plugin dll
#     -symlink - device name prefix for all devices managed by the plugin
#     -type    - type of devices managed by the plugin
#   (optional):
#     -loglevel:"n" (n=0-3) - override log level for a plugin (by default global LogLevel value is used)

# Ram Disk plugin
addplugin -module:"RamDisk.dll" -symlink:"RamDrive" -type:"RAM disk"

# ImageFile-specific parameters (mandatory):
#  -imagedir  - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
#	   parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields (separated with |):
#	 1 - directory path
#	 2 - directory access rights (c - create images, d - delete images, f - create directories, v - view subdirectories)
#	 3 - directory alias
#	 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed	
#	 5 - (optional) comment	
#        example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|img,dat" - imagedir:"d:\images|cdfv|images|img|raw images"  
#  optional:
#   -volumes:<no|yes> - allows browsing and using of hard disk RAW partitions
addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"images|cdfv|images|img" -volumes:"no"

# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (mandatory):
#  -imagedir  - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
#	   parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields separated with |:
#	 1 - directory path
#	 2 - directory access rights (v - view subdirectories)
#	 3 - directory alias
#	 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed
#	 5 - (optional) comment	
#	example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|iso,mds" - imagedir:"d:\images|f|images|iso|iso images"  
# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (optional):
#     share - sharing option flags. May be '', 'r', 'w' or 'rw'. 'r' means that device will be 
#         shared for reading. 'w' - for writing. Default is ''.
#     sessions - number of simultaneous iSCSI session allowed for this device. Default is 1.
addplugin -module:"VirtualDvd.dll" -symlink:"VirtualDvd" -type:"Virtual DVD" -imagedir:"images|v|images|mds,iso" 


# SPTI-specific device parameters (optional)
#   -timeout:nnn  - SCSI command execution timeout (in seconds). Default is 108000 (30 hours).
#   -share:"<rw|r>" - to allow multiple initiators to access the device (shared mode)
#   -sessions:nnn - set maximum number of initiators allowed to mount the device in shared mode
#   -readonly:<no|yes> - to export hard drives in readonly mode

# Hard drive accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Physicaldrive0

# CD-ROM accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Z:

# Share a hard drive or a CD-ROM to multiple clients
#add \\.\F: -timeout:256 -share:"rw" -sessions:8

# ImageFile device parameters:
#   -file   - image files name. This name is relative to 'imagedir'. The file should exists. 
#              It can be created by means of 'mksparse' utility.
#   -header - if not 0 the plugin will not use given amoung of bytes in the beginning of the file,
#         This value should be sector aligned.
#   -asyncmode:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in asyncronous mode (you can benefit from this on stripped volumes)
#   -clustered:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in shared mode 
#		and allows several iSCSI initiators to be connected to it
#add ImageFile0 -file:"image.img" -asyncmode:"yes"
#add ImageFile1 -file:"\\.\X:" -header:65536

# RAM disk device parameters:
#   -size   - size of RAM disk to create (in MB).
#   -format - if 'yes' created disk will be formatted as FAT16 partition.
#   -useawe:<no|yes> - allows creating of huge ram drives (>1GB)
#	 But the AWE mode is a bit slower than not using AWE!
#add RamDrive0 -size:16 -format:no
add RamDrive0 -size:"16" -format:"yes"

# Virtual DVD device parameters:
#   -file - image (iso or mds) file name.
#   -type - 'iso' or 'mds' depending on type of the image.
#add VirtualDvd0 -file:"D:\temp\iwin2k.iso" -type:"iso"


# CHAP authentication

#allow -device:RamDrive0 -chapLocalName:"" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
#allow -chapLocalName:"test" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:52 pm
by Tim

Code: Select all

21:40:53:593 (2bc) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target Version 2.6.1 (Build 0x20050322, Win32)
21:40:53:593 (2bc) Srv: Licensed to: 'FREE', 'NOT COMERCIAL', (#1, 2, 0).
21:40:53:593 (2bc) Srv: Max number of client hosts: 2.
21:40:53:593 (2bc) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\starwind.conf'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'LogLevel' = '3'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8fffffff'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'Interface' = ''
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'Login' = 'test'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'Password' = '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '3'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8fffffff'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to '$(host).$(symid)'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to 'test'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
21:40:55:828 (2bc) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
RamDisk[2bc] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
RamDisk[2bc] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = '        '
	ProductId = '                '
	Revision  = '0001'
21:40:56:078 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:078 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:078 (2bc) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
ImageFile[2bc]  SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'images|cdfv|images|img'
ImageFile[2bc]  SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\images'
	Rights: 0xffffffff
	Alias: 'images'
	Extensions: 'img'
ImageFile[2bc]  SscPort_Init: 	Comment : ''
ImageFile[2bc] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
ImageFile[2bc] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = '        '
	ProductId = '                '
	Revision  = '0001'
	DefImageDir  = 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\images\'
	Volumes   = 0
	ExeDir    = 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\'
21:40:56:484 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:484 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:484 (2bc) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
VirtualDVD[2bc]  SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'images|v|images|mds,iso'
Sw:[2bc]  Browser_DirCreate: Mask mismatch (ff / ff000000)
Sw:[2bc]  Browser_DirDelete: Mask mismatch (ff / ff0000)
Sw:[2bc]  Browser_DirCreateFolder: Mask mismatch (ff / ff00)
VirtualDVD[2bc]  SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\images'
	Rights: 0xff
	Alias: 'images'
	Extensions: 'mds,iso'
VirtualDVD[2bc]  SscPort_Init: 	Comment : ''
VirtualDVD[2bc] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
VirtualDVD[2bc] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = 'ROCKET  '
	ProductId = 'DVD-ROM F50     '
	Revision  = '1.00'
	DefImageDir = 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\images\'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
21:40:56:765 (2bc) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSscDevice::open
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::create
RamDisk[2bc] *SscPort_Create: opening device 'RamDrive0', size 16, format FAT16: yes, AWE: no, SpeedTest: no.
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_Create: Creating Ram Disk: 16 MB (32768 sectors)...
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_Create: Disk geometry: Sect/Track= 16, Tracks/Cyl= 32, Ncyl= 64, TotalSectors: 32768
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_Create: 2 memory blocks were allocated.
RamDisk[2bc]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 0, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer 58ae3c, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_FormatDisk: RamDisk to format: Cylinders: 64, TracksPerCylinder: 32, SectorsPerTrack: 16, BytesPerSector: 512
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_FormatDisk: Ramdisk formatting: Root dir entries: 128, Sectors/cluster: 1
RamDisk[2bc]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 16, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer 96e20, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[2bc]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 17, dwSectorsToWrite 128, pBuffer 97028, dwBufferSize 65536.
RamDisk[2bc]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 145, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer a7030, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[2bc]->RamDisk_BuildInquiry >>
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: Use default VendorId
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: Use default ProductId
RamDisk[2bc] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: 
	VendorId  = 'ROCKET  '
	ProductId = 'RAM DISK 16 MB  '
	Revision  = '0001'
RamDisk[2bc]<-RamDisk_BuildInquiry << Return (0x0)
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::create
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: DevName: 'RamDrive0'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'size' = '16'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'format' = 'yes'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'clustered' = 'no'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSscDevice::open
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: the device 'RamDrive0' is opened successfully.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'RAMdisk.RamDrive0'.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: parameter 'size', value '16'.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: parameter 'format', value 'yes'.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: clustered 0.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) S: 1 session(s) allowed.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: DevName: 'RamDrive0'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'size' = '16'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'format' = 'yes'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Plugin: Param: 'clustered' = 'no'
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
21:40:56:765 (2bc) conf: Target [0x949f0] has been created. Device 'RamDrive0' is accesible as target ''.
21:40:56:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::refreshDeviceList
21:40:56:765 (2bc) Srv: Refreshing device list (complete)...
21:40:57:562 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:578 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:578 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\D:': Cannot open the device: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32).
21:40:57:578 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:578 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:578 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:578 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:578 (2bc) Srv: Failed to open the device '\\.\D:'.
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:593 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\E:': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1                          ', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
21:40:57:593 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\E:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:593 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\E:': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1                           A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:593 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:671 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:671 (2bc) Srv: '\\.\E:': hard drive may not be accessed through '\\.\<X>:' symlink.
21:40:57:671 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\E:' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:57:671 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:671 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:671 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:671 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:687 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\F:': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1                          ', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
21:40:57:687 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\F:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:687 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\F:': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1                           A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:687 (2bc) Srv: '\\.\F:': hard drive may not be accessed through '\\.\<X>:' symlink.
21:40:57:687 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\F:' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:687 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:703 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:703 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:703 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:703 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:703 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\R:': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8163B                ', ProductRevision '0L23    ', BusType 2.
21:40:57:703 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\R:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:703 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\R:': ' HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8163B                 0L23    ': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:703 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:718 (2bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\R:' found.
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:718 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:734 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:750 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\V:': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B               ', ProductRevision 'A209    ', BusType 2.
21:40:57:750 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\V:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:750 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\V:': ' HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B                A209    ': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:750 (2bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\V:' found.
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:57:750 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:57:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:765 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:781 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8163B                ', ProductRevision '0L23    ', BusType 2.
21:40:57:781 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:781 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': ' HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8163B                 0L23    ': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:781 (2bc) Srv: SCSI device '\\.\Cdrom0' is an alias of '\\.\R:'
21:40:57:781 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\Cdrom0' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:781 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:796 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:796 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:812 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:812 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:812 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B               ', ProductRevision 'A209    ', BusType 2.
21:40:57:812 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:57:812 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': ' HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B                A209    ': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:57:812 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:828 (2bc) Srv: SCSI device '\\.\Cdrom1' is an alias of '\\.\V:'
21:40:57:828 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\Cdrom1' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:57:828 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0'
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:57:828 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:859 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:57:859 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId 'IBM     ', ProductId 'DPSS-318350N    ', ProductRevision 'S96H', BusType 1.
21:40:57:859 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': MaximumTransferLength 16777215, MaximumPhysicalPages 0x11, AlignmentMask 0x0, BusType 1, CommandQueueing 1.
21:40:57:859 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 65536
21:40:57:859 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:921 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:57:921 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:000 (2bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0' found.
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:000 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId 'IBM     ', ProductId 'DPSS-318350N    ', ProductRevision 'S96H', BusType 1.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': MaximumTransferLength 16777215, MaximumPhysicalPages 0x11, AlignmentMask 0x0, BusType 1, CommandQueueing 1.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 65536
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1' found.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2'
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1                          ', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1                           A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:015 (2bc) Srv: SCSI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2' is an alias of '\\.\PhysicalDrive0'
21:40:58:015 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3'
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1                          ', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1                           A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
21:40:58:015 (2bc) Srv: SCSI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive3' is an alias of '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
21:40:58:015 (2bc) Srv: The device '\\.\PhysicalDrive3' is not allowed by the server.
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
ImageFile[2bc]  SscPort_EnumerateDevices: force: 1
ImageFile[2bc]  SscPort_EnumerateDevices: force: 0
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: <<< iScsiServer::refreshDeviceList
21:40:58:015 (2bc) func: >>> iScsiServer::listenConnections
21:40:58:109 (4b0) func: >>> TelnetListener::listenConnections
21:40:58:125 (2bc) Srv: (FREE) Binding to ...
21:40:58:140 (2bc) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
21:40:58:140 (4b0) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:26 pm
by Val (staff)

I sent an email to you with a link to the recent StarWind build v2.6.3 2005-07-30.
Please try it and let us know about the results.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:31 pm
by Tim
Ok, I got it.

Will try tommorow. Need to get some sleep now.


Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:03 am
by Tim
No change, here is the new log:

Code: Select all

11:52:16:875 (f7c) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target v2.6.3 (Build 20050730, Win32)
11:52:16:875 (f7c) Srv: Licensed to: 'FREE', 'NOT COMERCIAL', (#1, 2, 0).
11:52:16:875 (f7c) Srv: Max number of client hosts: 2.
11:52:16:875 (f7c) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\starwind.conf'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'LogLevel' = '3'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8fffffff'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'Interface' = ''
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'Login' = 'test'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'Password' = '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '3'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8fffffff'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to '$(host).$(symid)'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to 'test'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to '##CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
11:52:16:890 (f7c) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
RamDisk[f7c] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
RamDisk[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = '        '
	ProductId = '                '
	Revision  = '0001'
11:52:16:906 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:906 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:906 (f7c) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
ImageFile[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: '*'
	Rights: 0x1f
	Alias: 'My Computer'
	Extensions: 'img,dat'
ImageFile[f7c] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
ImageFile[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = '        '
	ProductId = '                '
	Revision  = '0001'
	DefImageDir  = '*\'
	Volumes   = 0
	ExeDir    = 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\'
11:52:16:937 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:937 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:937 (f7c) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
VirtualDVD[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: '*'
	Rights: 0x18
	Alias: 'My Computer'
	Extensions: 'mds,iso'
VirtualDVD[f7c] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
VirtualDVD[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = 'ROCKET  '
	ProductId = 'DVD-ROM F50     '
	Revision  = '1.00'
	DefImageDir = '*\'
11:52:16:984 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:984 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:16:984 (f7c) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
IBV[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: '*'
	Rights: 0x1f
	Alias: 'My Computer'
	Extensions: 'ibv'
IBV[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	Dirname: '*'
	Rights: 0x18
	Alias: 'Readonly ImageFiles'
	Extensions: 'img,dat'
IBV[f7c] *SscPort_Init: Logging level is set to 3.
IBV[f7c] *SscPort_Init: 
	VendorId  = '        '
	ProductId = '                '
	Revision  = '0001'
	ImageDir  = '*\'
	ExeDir    = 'C:\Program Files\RDS\StarWind\'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addPlugin
11:52:17:015 (f7c) conf: 'IBVolume.dll' loaded successfully.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSscDevice::open
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::create
RamDisk[f7c] *SscPort_Create: opening device 'RamDrive0', size 16, format FAT16: yes, AWE: no, SpeedTest: no.
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_Create: Creating Ram Disk: 16 MB (32768 sectors)...
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_Create: Disk geometry: Sect/Track= 16, Tracks/Cyl= 32, Ncyl= 64, TotalSectors: 32768
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_Create: 2 memory blocks were allocated.
RamDisk[f7c]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 0, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer 58ae00, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_FormatDisk: RamDisk to format: Cylinders: 64, TracksPerCylinder: 32, SectorsPerTrack: 16, BytesPerSector: 512
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_FormatDisk: Ramdisk formatting: Root dir entries: 128, Sectors/cluster: 1
RamDisk[f7c]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 16, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer 981b8, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[f7c]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 17, dwSectorsToWrite 128, pBuffer 983c0, dwBufferSize 65536.
RamDisk[f7c]  RamDisk_WriteSectorsNormal: Write blocks: dwStartSector 145, dwSectorsToWrite 1, pBuffer a83c8, dwBufferSize 512.
RamDisk[f7c]->RamDisk_BuildInquiry >>
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: Use default VendorId
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: Use default ProductId
RamDisk[f7c] *RamDisk_BuildInquiry: 
	VendorId  = 'ROCKET  '
	ProductId = 'RAM DISK 16 MB  '
	Revision  = '0001'
RamDisk[f7c]<-RamDisk_BuildInquiry << Return (0x0)
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::create
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: DevName: 'RamDrive0'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'size' = '16'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'format' = 'yes'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'clustered' = 'no'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSscDevice::open
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: the device 'RamDrive0' is opened successfully.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'RAMdisk.RamDrive0'.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: parameter 'size', value '16'.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: parameter 'format', value 'yes'.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: clustered 0.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) S: 1 session(s) allowed.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: DevName: 'RamDrive0'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'size' = '16'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'format' = 'yes'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Plugin: Param: 'clustered' = 'no'
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::getDeviceInfo
11:52:17:015 (f7c) conf: Target [0x97c18] has been created. Device 'RamDrive0' is accesible as target ''.
11:52:17:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::refreshDeviceList
11:52:17:015 (f7c) Srv: Refreshing device list (complete)...
11:52:18:468 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:18:484 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\D:': Cannot open the device: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32).
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:18:484 (f7c) Srv: Failed to open the device '\\.\D:'.
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:18:484 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:19:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\E:': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
11:52:19:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\E:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:19:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\E:': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:19:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:19:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:19:031 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\E:': hard drive may not be accessed through '\\.\<X>:' symlink.
11:52:19:031 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\E:' is not allowed by the server.
11:52:19:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:19:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:19:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:19:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:000 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\F:': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
11:52:20:000 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\F:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:000 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\F:': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:000 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\F:': hard drive may not be accessed through '\\.\<X>:' symlink.
11:52:20:000 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\F:' is not allowed by the server.
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:000 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:015 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\R:': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B', ProductRevision '0L23', BusType 2.
11:52:20:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\R:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:015 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\R:': ' HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B 0L23': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:015 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:031 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\R:': ' HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B 0L23'
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:031 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:046 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:046 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:046 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\V:': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B', ProductRevision 'A209', BusType 2.
11:52:20:046 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\V:': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:046 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\V:': ' HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B A209': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:046 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:062 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\V:': ' HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B A209'
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:062 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:078 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:078 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:078 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:078 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:078 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B', ProductRevision '0L23', BusType 2.
11:52:20:078 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:078 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom0': ' HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B 0L23': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:078 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:093 (f7c) Srv: SPTI device '\\.\Cdrom0' is an alias of '\\.\R:'
11:52:20:093 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\Cdrom0' is not allowed by the server.
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:093 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:109 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': DeviceType 5, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia true, VendorId '', ProductId 'HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B', ProductRevision 'A209', BusType 2.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\Cdrom1': ' HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B A209': adapter 1, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: SPTI device '\\.\Cdrom1' is an alias of '\\.\V:'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: '\\.\Cdrom1' is not allowed by the server.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId '', ProductId 'MAXTOR 6L020J1', ProductRevision 'A93.0500', BusType 3.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': MaximumTransferLength 131072, MaximumPhysicalPages 0xffffffff, AlignmentMask 0x1, BusType 3, CommandQueueing 0.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500': adapter 0, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 131072
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1': ' MAXTOR 6L020J1 A93.0500'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId 'IBM     ', ProductId 'DPSS-318350N    ', ProductRevision 'S96H', BusType 1.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': MaximumTransferLength 16777215, MaximumPhysicalPages 0x11, AlignmentMask 0x0, BusType 1, CommandQueueing 1.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H': adapter 2, bus 0, target id 0, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 65536
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': Hard drive name: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::probe
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': DeviceType 0, DeviceTypeModifier 0, RemovableMedia false, VendorId 'IBM     ', ProductId 'DPSS-318350N    ', ProductRevision 'S96H', BusType 1.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': MaximumTransferLength 16777215, MaximumPhysicalPages 0x11, AlignmentMask 0x0, BusType 1, CommandQueueing 1.
11:52:20:125 (f7c) SPTI: '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H': adapter 2, bus 0, target id 1, LUN 0; maxTransferLength 65536
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::getBurnerFlags
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::openDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::closeDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::open
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiSptiDevice::close
11:52:20:125 (f7c) Srv: Found SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive3': 'IBM      DPSS-318350N     S96H'
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::addDevice
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
ImageFile[f7c]  SscPort_EnumerateDevices: force: 1
ImageFile[f7c]  SscPort_EnumerateDevices: force: 0
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiPlugin::enumerateDevices
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: <<< iScsiServer::refreshDeviceList
11:52:20:125 (f7c) func: >>> iScsiServer::listenConnections
11:52:20:156 (fbc) func: >>> TelnetListener::listenConnections
11:52:20:156 (f7c) Srv: Binding to ...
11:52:20:281 (f7c) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
11:52:20:281 (fbc) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...
11:52:21:875 (f78) ntsrv: Got SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE signal.
11:52:48:625 (fbc) conf: Accepted the control connection from
11:52:48:625 (954) func: >>> ControlConnection::doLogon
11:52:48:625 (954) func: <<< ControlConnection::doLogon

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:16 pm
by Val (staff)
Hi Tim,

Very strange behaviour.
We've not been able to reproduce the problem in our test-labs.

Could you try installing the StarWind Control app on other machine and connect to the Win2003SP1 by its IP address.
This could help us to pin out the module freezing your system.

Also have you tried to install StarWind on another PC to check it out whether it works for you there?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:41 pm
by Tim
OK, the service only was installed the the server (MARS).
The management interface was installed on this machine (EARTH).

I can connect to MARS and see all the drives OK. That's an improvement.
From here I added an unused hard drive E: (not SYSTEM or PAGEFILE). That seemed to work OK.

Now if I try to connect to MARS to use that newly added drive I get a 'Semaphore timeout error'.
I tried from 2 machines on my network that have StarPort on, EARTH and PLUTO (see a naming pattern here?).

I tried again with a DVD-ROM drive on MARS. Same result, 'Semaphore timeout error' when trying to connect thru the add device wizard.

I installed StarWind 2.6.3 on EARTH. I was able to add a DVD-ROM drive. I was able to connect and use it on PLUTO without a problem.

I just started EXPLORER on MARS and now the machine is hung (again!).
This seem to narrow it down to the service not working properly on my server system MARS.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 7:24 pm
by Tim
Log from StarPort on EARTH

Code: Select all

18:13:19 - Entering func: CLanguager::LoadLanguage(language=0x409)
18:13:19 - Exiting  func: CLanguager::LoadLanguage(language=0x409)
18:13:19 - CStarPortApp::CheckLicense: Licensed to: 'FREE', 'NOT COMERCIAL', (#1, 0).
18:13:19 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::CStarPortAPI()
18:13:19 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::DriverOpen()
18:13:19 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::DriverOpen()
18:13:19 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion(...)
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_GET_VERSION
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Input buffer:
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Signature = 72417453:
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: ApiVersion = 20002:
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: DeviceIoControl(...) called successfully
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Output buffer:
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Signature = 52615473
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Version = 20050310
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: ApiVersion = 20002
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion: Flags = 0
18:13:19 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::DriverVersion(...)
18:13:19 - CStarPortAPI::CStarPortAPI: StarPort version: 20050310; StarPort driver: API v20002, Build 0x20050310
18:13:19 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::CStarPortAPI()
18:13:19 - Entering func: CDriveLetterMap::CDriveLetterMap()
18:13:19 - Entering func: CDriveLetterMap::Refresh()
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CDriveLetterMap::Refresh()
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CDriveLetterMap::CDriveLetterMap()
18:13:20 - Entering func: CStarPortDoc::CStarPortDoc()
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CStarPortDoc::CStarPortDoc()
18:13:20 - CMainFrame::OnCreate: Minimizing application to tray.
18:13:20 - Entering func: CStarPortView::OnInitialUpdate()
18:13:20 - Entering func: CStarPortDoc::ResyncRegistryAndDriverContents(bAutomountDevices=1)
18:13:20 - Entering func: CDriveLetterMap::Refresh()
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CDriveLetterMap::Refresh()
18:13:20 - CStarPortDoc::ResyncRegistryAndDriverContents: Resyncronizing contents...
18:13:20 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::GetDevices(...)
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_TARGET_LIST
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Input buffer:
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Signature = 72417453
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: DeviceIoControl(...) called successfully
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Output buffer:
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: Signature = 52615473
18:13:20 - CStarPortAPI::GetDevices: NumberOfTargets = 0
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::GetDevices(...)
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CStarPortDoc::ResyncRegistryAndDriverContents(bAutomountDevices=1)
18:13:20 - Exiting  func: CStarPortView::OnInitialUpdate()
18:13:27 - CMainFrame::OnTrayStartManagement: Maximizing from tray.
18:13:28 - CTreeFolder::DisplayProperties: This function must not be called on CTreeFolder object.
18:13:33 - Entering func: CStarPortDoc::SaveConfiguration()
18:13:33 - Exiting  func: CStarPortDoc::SaveConfiguration()
18:13:37 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_GET_TARGETS
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Input buffer:
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Signature = 72417453
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: ServerAddress =
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Parameter[0] =
18:13:37 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
18:13:42 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Session failed, status == 121 !
18:13:42 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:13:42 - CWPPiSCSIDeviceCreate::GetTargetsList: Exception caught: The semaphore timeout period has expired.
18:13:48 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80002, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_GET_TARGETS
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Input buffer:
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Signature = 72417453
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: ServerAddress =
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Parameter[0] =
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: DeviceIoControl(...) called successfully
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Output buffer:
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Signature = 52615473
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: TargetsInfo[0] =
18:13:48 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::AddTargetToList(target=..., listTargets=...)
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::AddTargetToList: Target addresses list is empty, adding default IP/Port pair.
18:13:48 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::AddTargetToList(target=..., listTargets=...)
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Server at IP:0xC0A80002, Port:3260 returned the following targets:
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets:
18:13:48 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: 		TargetAddress: IP:0xC0A80002, Port:3260
18:13:48 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80002, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:25:36 - CMainFrame::OnTrayStartManagement: Maximizing from tray.
18:25:37 - Entering func: CStarPortView::OnRButtonDown(...)
18:25:37 - CStarPortView::OnRButtonDown: Calling OnContextMenu.
18:25:37 - Entering func: CStarPortView::OnContextMenu(...)
18:25:37 - Exiting  func: CStarPortView::OnContextMenu(...)
18:25:37 - Exiting  func: CStarPortView::OnRButtonDown(...)
18:25:44 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_GET_TARGETS
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Input buffer:
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Signature = 72417453
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: ServerAddress =
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Parameter[0] =
18:25:44 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
18:25:50 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Session failed, status == 121 !
18:25:50 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
18:25:50 - CWPPiSCSIDeviceCreate::GetTargetsList: Exception caught: The semaphore timeout period has expired.
19:15:58 - CMainFrame::OnTrayStartManagement: Maximizing from tray.
19:16:03 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling STARPORT_IOCTL_GET_TARGETS
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Input buffer:
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Signature = 72417453
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: ServerAddress =
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Parameter[0] =
19:16:03 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Calling DeviceIoControl(...)
19:16:08 - CStarPortAPI::GetTargets: Session failed, status == 121 !
19:16:08 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::GetTargets(dwIPAddress=0xC0A80004, DWORD dwPort=3260, listTargets=...)
19:16:08 - CWPPiSCSIDeviceCreate::GetTargetsList: Exception caught: The semaphore timeout period has expired.
19:16:14 - Entering func: CDriveLetterMap::~CDriveLetterMap()
19:16:14 - Exiting  func: CDriveLetterMap::~CDriveLetterMap()
19:16:14 - Entering func: CStarPortAPI::~CStarPortAPI()
19:16:14 - Exiting  func: CStarPortAPI::~CStarPortAPI()

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 7:57 pm
by Tim
StarWind log from MARS sent via email because it is to big to post here.

It looks to me that the StarWindService is dying and causing connections to fail and the machine to hang.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:20 pm
by Val (staff)

'Semaphore timeout error' means the connection can't be established.

This could be issues with firewall settings on the MARS machine. AFAIK Win2003 SP1 has its firewall switched ON by default.

You need to enable TCP/IP port 3260 for incoming traffic.
Also port 3261 should be enabled to control the StarWind service remotely.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:37 pm
by Tim
This could be issues with firewall settings on the MARS machine. AFAIK Win2003 SP1 has its firewall switched ON by default.

You need to enable TCP/IP port 3260 for incoming traffic.
Also port 3261 should be enabled to control the StarWind service remotely.
Already checked all that. The built in firewall is disabled because I am using ZoneAlarm.
The StarWindService was allowed full server rights.

I'll completely remove ZoneAlarm and try again just to make sure.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:49 pm
by Val (staff)
Tim wrote:
This could be issues with firewall settings on the MARS machine. AFAIK Win2003 SP1 has its firewall switched ON by default.

You need to enable TCP/IP port 3260 for incoming traffic.
Also port 3261 should be enabled to control the StarWind service remotely.
Already checked all that. The built in firewall is disabled because I am using ZoneAlarm.
The StarWindService was allowed full server rights.

I'll completely remove ZoneAlarm and try again just to make sure.
You need enable the ports in your ZoneAlarm too. (Disabling it should help as well)
It seems the firewall doesn't allow them for incoming connections.