Clustering with version 2.6

Software-based VM-centric and flash-friendly VM storage + free version

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Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:35 pm

Hello. I recently downloaded a trial version of your latest version to test a windows 2000 cluster. I am running it to trouble. When I tried the setup with 2.4, I could set chap mutual auth with the same target login and password for both machines just with different node names and have them both login and use the drive for quorum. Now when I try the same approach, I can't authenticate both nodes. The only way I am able to have both nodes use the same image drive, is to change the target login names to login1 and login2 and authenicate both nodes with different target logins, and node logins. When I do this, I can mount the drive from both nodes but the drive is not being shared even though "-clustered" switch is used. If I add a file from one node it will not show up on the second node which means quourm fails.
Val (staff)
Posts: 496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:03 pm

Anonymous wrote:Hello. I recently downloaded a trial version of your latest version to test a windows 2000 cluster. I am running it to trouble. When I tried the setup with 2.4, I could set chap mutual auth with the same target login and password for both machines just with different node names and have them both login and use the drive for quorum. Now when I try the same approach, I can't authenticate both nodes. The only way I am able to have both nodes use the same image drive, is to change the target login names to login1 and login2 and authenicate both nodes with different target logins, and node logins. When I do this, I can mount the drive from both nodes but the drive is not being shared even though "-clustered" switch is used. If I add a file from one node it will not show up on the second node which means quourm fails.

Please send me your StarWind service log file (from \logs subdirectory) and StarWind.conf file.

You can't implement clustering without using -clustered:yes for the ImageFile target. (BTW the recent StarWind version allows setting the parameter from the StarWind GUI)

Does the clustering work without any CHAP authentification or with client authentification only?
(It's possible to create several CHAP permission rules for a single target, so you need not use the same names/secrets for both machines).
Best regards,

Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:06 pm

You can't implement clustering without using -clustered:yes for the ImageFile target. (BTW the recent StarWind version allows setting the parameter from the StarWind GUI)
The images and permissions were all set through the GUI and in the config it created it is -clustered:"yes" not -clustered:yes
Does the clustering work without any CHAP authentification or with client authentification only?
(It's possible to create several CHAP permission rules for a single target, so you need not use the same names/secrets for both machines).
I havent tried it without but I have tried it with client only. In client only I can obviously login with the same target login but the disk is still not shared so quorum does not work.

The following is the current config and log file for a client only connection.

# StarWind iSCSI server configuration file.
# This file contains list of SCSI devices that will be accessible to iSCSI.
# The device name should be placed in the first column followed by the target name.
# The device name and the target name should be separated by at least one space.
# $Id: starwind.conf,v 1.26 2005/03/11 17:11:04 valery Exp $


# LogLevel values: (0-Disabled, 1-Errors, 2-Warnings, 3-all messages)
LogLevel = "1"

# Don't change the LogMask if you have no idea what does it mean!
LogMask = "0x8fffffff"

# Port number for iSCSI connectons
Port = "3260"

# Interface to listen to. "" corresponds to "listen to all interfaces".
Interface = ""

# Macros:
# $(host) - host name
# $(symid) - symbolic target id ('cdrom.z' for example)

# Uncomment the line below to have global target id as part of target name
DefTargetName = "$(host).$(symid)"

# Username and password used for the control connection.

# CHAP authentification for control connections
#CtlAuthMode = "chap"
#CtlAuthServerName = "srv"
#CtlAuthServerSecret = "123"
#CtlAuthClientName = "user"
#CtlAuthClientSecret = "345"

# 'Echo = yes' - enables echo for control connections.
Echo = "no"

# Minimal 'maximum transfer length' should be supported by all SPTI devices
MinBufferSize = "65536"

# 'Minimal' aligment mask for SPTI devices - all buffers passed to SPTI will
# be aligned according to this mask at least. Sure if an adapter requests
# bigger aligment target will supply correctly aligmned buffers.
AlignmentMask = "0x0000"

# Setting 'AllowOnlyRecordableCd' to 'yes' forces the target to filter out all but
# recordable CD/DVD.
#AllowOnlyRecordableCd = "no"

# Auto Export some of the found Devices
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:disk,spti:cd/dvd"
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:cd/dvd"

# Devices are autoexported as read/write by default
# set AutoConfigMode="ro" to allow only readonly access to all the devices
#AutoExportMode = "ro"

# Length of iSCSI queue. (min 16, max 512)
MaxPendingRequests = "64"


# Plugins
# Parameters (mandatory):
# -module - plugin dll
# -symlink - device name prefix for all devices managed by the plugin
# -type - type of devices managed by the plugin
# (optional):
# -loglevel:"n" (n=0-3) - override log level for a plugin (by default global LogLevel value is used)

# Ram Disk plugin
addplugin -module:"RamDisk.dll" -symlink:"RamDrive" -type:"RAM disk"

# ImageFile-specific parameters (mandatory):
# -imagedir - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
# parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields (separated with |):
# 1 - directory path
# 2 - directory access rights (c - create images, d - delete images, f - create directories, v - view subdirectories)
# 3 - directory alias
# 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed
# 5 - (optional) comment
# example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|img,dat" - imagedir:"d:\images|cdfv|images|img|raw images"
# optional:
# -volumes:<no|yes> - allows browsing and using of hard disk RAW partitions
# addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"images|cdfv|images|img" -volumes:"no"
addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"Q:\|cdfv|quorum|iscsi" -imagedir:"E:\|cdfv|exchange|iscsi"

# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (mandatory):
# -imagedir - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
# parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields separated with |:
# 1 - directory path
# 2 - directory access rights (v - view subdirectories)
# 3 - directory alias
# 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed
# 5 - (optional) comment
# example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|iso,mds" - imagedir:"d:\images|f|images|iso|iso images"
# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (optional):
# share - sharing option flags. May be '', 'r', 'w' or 'rw'. 'r' means that device will be
# shared for reading. 'w' - for writing. Default is ''.
# sessions - number of simultaneous iSCSI session allowed for this device. Default is 1.
addplugin -module:"VirtualDvd.dll" -symlink:"VirtualDvd" -type:"Virtual DVD" -imagedir:"images|v|images|mds,iso"


# SPTI-specific device parameters (optional)
# -timeout:nnn - SCSI command execution timeout (in seconds). Default is 108000 (30 hours).
# -share:"<rw|r>" - to allow multiple initiators to access the device (shared mode)
# -sessions:nnn - set maximum number of initiators allowed to mount the device in shared mode
# -readonly:<no|yes> - to export hard drives in readonly mode

# Hard drive accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Physicaldrive0

# CD-ROM accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Z:

# Share a hard drive or a CD-ROM to multiple clients
#add \\.\F: -timeout:256 -share:"rw" -sessions:8

# ImageFile device parameters:
# -file - image files name. This name is relative to 'imagedir'. The file should exists.
# It can be created by means of 'mksparse' utility.
# -header - if not 0 the plugin will not use given amoung of bytes in the beginning of the file,
# This value should be sector aligned.
# -asyncmode:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in asyncronous mode (you can benefit from this on stripped volumes)
# -clustered:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in shared mode
# and allows several iSCSI initiators to be connected to it
#add ImageFile0 -file:"image.img" -asyncmode:"yes"
#add ImageFile1 -file:"\\.\X:" -header:65536

# RAM disk device parameters:
# -size - size of RAM disk to create (in MB).
# -format - if 'yes' created disk will be formatted as FAT16 partition.
# -useawe:<no|yes> - allows creating of huge ram drives (>1GB)
# But the AWE mode is a bit slower than not using AWE!
#add RamDrive0 -size:16 -format:no

# Virtual DVD device parameters:
# -file - image (iso or mds) file name.
# -type - 'iso' or 'mds' depending on type of the image.
#add VirtualDvd0 -file:"D:\temp\iwin2k.iso" -type:"iso"

add "ImageFile0" -file:"quorum\quorum.iscsi" -header:"0" -asyncmode:"no" -clustered:"yes"
add "ImageFile1" -file:"exchange\exchdata.iscsi" -header:"0" -asyncmode:"no" -clustered:"yes"

# CHAP authentication

#allow -device:RamDrive0 -chapLocalName:"" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
#allow -chapLocalName:"test" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
allow -device:"\\.\PhysicalDrive2" -chapLocalName:"storage" -chapLocalSecret:"western1western1" -chapPeerName:"wilcgyclust01" -chapPeerSecret:"western2western2"
allow -device:"ImageFile0" -chapLocalName:"quorum" -chapLocalSecret:"western1western1" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:""
allow -device:"ImageFile1" -chapLocalName:"exchdata" -chapLocalSecret:"western1western1" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:""


17:08:25:882 (5bc) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target Version 2.6.0 (Build 0x20050314, Win32)
17:08:25:882 (5bc) Srv: *** TRIAL VERSION *** [ expires in 12 day(s) ]
17:08:25:882 (5bc) Srv: Please contact Rocket Division Software at <> for more details.
17:08:25:882 (5bc) Srv: Unlimited number of client hosts allowed.
17:08:25:882 (5bc) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarWind\starwind.conf'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'LogLevel' = '1'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8fffffff'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'Interface' = ''
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'Login' =
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'Password' =
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '1'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8fffffff'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to '$(host).$(symid)'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to ''.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to .
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'Q:\|cdfv|quorum|iscsi'
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'Q:\'
Rights: 0xffffffff
Alias: 'quorum'
Extensions: 'iscsi'
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'E:\|cdfv|exchange|iscsi'
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'E:\'
Rights: 0xffffffff
Alias: 'exchange'
Extensions: 'iscsi'
ImageFile[5bc] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
VirtualDVD[5bc] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'images|v|images|mds,iso'
Sw:[5bc] Browser_DirCreate: Mask mismatch (ff / ff000000)
Sw:[5bc] Browser_DirDelete: Mask mismatch (ff / ff0000)
Sw:[5bc] Browser_DirCreateFolder: Mask mismatch (ff / ff00)
VirtualDVD[5bc] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'C:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarWind\images'
Rights: 0xff
Alias: 'images'
Extensions: 'mds,iso'
VirtualDVD[5bc] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: the device 'ImageFile0' is opened successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'Imagefile.ImageFile0'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'header', value '0'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'file', value 'Q:\\quorum.iscsi'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'buffering', value 'no'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: clustered 1.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'asyncmode', value 'no'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: *WARNING* device is clustered. Up to 256 sessions allowed.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: 256 session(s) allowed.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Target [0x7f988] has been created. Device 'ImageFile0' is accesible as target ''.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: the device 'ImageFile1' is opened successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'Imagefile.ImageFile1'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'header', value '0'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'file', value 'E:\\exchdata.iscsi'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'buffering', value 'no'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: clustered 1.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: parameter 'asyncmode', value 'no'.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: *WARNING* device is clustered. Up to 256 sessions allowed.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) S: 256 session(s) allowed.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: Target [0x802c0] has been created. Device 'ImageFile1' is accesible as target ''.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: CHAP secret(s) for 'storage' loaded successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: CHAP secret(s) for 'quorum' loaded successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) conf: CHAP secret(s) for 'exchdata' loaded successfully.
17:08:25:992 (5bc) Srv: Refreshing device list (complete)...
17:08:27:085 (5bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0' found.
17:08:27:101 (5bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1' found.
17:08:27:101 (5bc) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2' found.
17:08:27:132 (5bc) Srv: (FREE) Binding to ...
17:08:27:132 (5bc) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
17:08:27:148 (23c) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...
17:08:29:882 (5bc) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4370
17:08:29:882 (5bc) C[0x1112], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:08:29:882 (5bc) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: T3.
17:08:29:882 (74c) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370001, TSIH 0x0000.
17:08:29:882 (5bc) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4371
17:08:29:882 (5bc) C[0x1113], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:08:29:882 (5bc) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: T3.
17:08:29:882 (74c) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:08:29:882 (74c) C[0x1112], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01', accepted 'wilcgyclust01'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:08:29:882 (770) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370001, TSIH 0x0000.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:08:29:882 (74c) S: 1 session(s) are opened, 255 more allowed.
17:08:29:882 (74c) T[0xbe]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:29:882 (74c) T[0xbe]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:08:29:882 (770) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:08:29:882 (770) C[0x1113], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01', accepted 'wilcgyclust01'
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:08:29:882 (770) S: 1 session(s) are opened, 255 more allowed.
17:08:29:882 (770) T[0x2cf]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:29:882 (770) T[0x2cf]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bYrHaq1XBO11TW6Wk59RBXrI7vNsabqkI1cSwcXdtzhM=.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bYrHaq1XBO11TW6Wk59RBXrI7vNsabqkI1cSwcXdtzhM=.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'quorum', accepted 'quorum'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bvbLQENMasT/LFCArJfLpuA==', accepted '0bvbLQENMasT/LFCArJfLpuA=='
17:08:29:882 (3c4) T[0xbe]: The end of stage 0, next stage is 1.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'exchdata', accepted 'exchdata'
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bvbLQENMasT/LFCArJfLpuA==', accepted '0bvbLQENMasT/LFCArJfLpuA=='
17:08:29:882 (680) T[0x2cf]: The end of stage 0, next stage is 1.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'HeaderDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Enum param 'DataDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'ErrorRecoveryLevel': received 0, accepted 0
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Boolean param 'InitialR2T': received No, accepted 0
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Boolean param 'ImmediateData': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxRecvDataSegmentLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxBurstLength': received 262144, accepted 262144
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'FirstBurstLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxConnections': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataPDUInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataSequenceInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Wait': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Retain': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> ErrorRecoveryLevel=0.
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> MaxConnections=1.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'HeaderDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> HeaderDigest=None.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Enum param 'DataDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> DataDigest=None.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'ErrorRecoveryLevel': received 0, accepted 0
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> InitialR2T=No.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Boolean param 'InitialR2T': received No, accepted 0
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> ImmediateData=Yes.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Boolean param 'ImmediateData': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=262144.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxRecvDataSegmentLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> MaxBurstLength=262144.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxBurstLength': received 262144, accepted 262144
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> FirstBurstLength=65536.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'FirstBurstLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Wait=5.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxConnections': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Retain=5.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataPDUInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> MaxOutstandingR2T=1.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataSequenceInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> DataPDUInOrder=Yes.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Wait': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:29:882 (74c) Params: >>> DataSequenceInOrder=Yes.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Retain': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> ErrorRecoveryLevel=0.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> MaxConnections=1.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> HeaderDigest=None.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> DataDigest=None.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> InitialR2T=No.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> ImmediateData=Yes.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=262144.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> MaxBurstLength=262144.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> FirstBurstLength=65536.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Wait=5.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Retain=5.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> MaxOutstandingR2T=1.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> DataPDUInOrder=Yes.
17:08:29:882 (770) Params: >>> DataSequenceInOrder=Yes.
17:08:29:898 (74c) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxOutstandingR2T': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:29:898 (770) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxOutstandingR2T': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:29:898 (3c4) T[0xbe]: The end of stage 1, next stage is 3.
17:08:29:898 (680) T[0x2cf]: The end of stage 1, next stage is 3.
17:08:29:898 (3c4) C[0x1112], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_ACCEPT.
17:08:29:898 (680) C[0x1113], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_ACCEPT.
17:08:29:898 (3c4) C[0x1112], LOGGED_IN: T5.
17:08:29:898 (680) C[0x1113], LOGGED_IN: T5.
17:08:30:992 (5bc) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4372
17:08:30:992 (5bc) C[0x1114], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:08:30:992 (5bc) C[0x1114], XPT_UP: T3.
17:08:30:992 (700) C[0x1114], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370001, TSIH 0x0000.
17:08:30:992 (5bc) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4373
17:08:30:992 (5bc) C[0x1115], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:08:30:992 (5bc) C[0x1115], XPT_UP: T3.
17:08:30:992 (700) C[0x1114], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:08:30:992 (700) C[0x1114], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01-02', accepted 'wilcgyclust01-02'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:08:30:992 (700) S: 2 session(s) are opened, 254 more allowed.
17:08:30:992 (700) T[0x2e2]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:08:30:992 (540) C[0x1115], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370001, TSIH 0x0000.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:30:992 (700) T[0x2e2]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:08:30:992 (540) C[0x1115], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:08:30:992 (540) C[0x1115], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01-02', accepted 'wilcgyclust01-02'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:08:30:992 (540) S: 2 session(s) are opened, 254 more allowed.
17:08:30:992 (540) T[0xd8]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:08:30:992 (540) T[0xd8]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bJkLLO2OA9gHDhZlBGS4Ml5iA4Y8zQKh/o8Jqj27P8ZY=.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'exchdata', accepted 'exchdata'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bjEjDdM+hnhjqP25NZbdeTA==', accepted '0bjEjDdM+hnhjqP25NZbdeTA=='
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bJkLLO2OA9gHDhZlBGS4Ml5iA4Y8zQKh/o8Jqj27P8ZY=.
17:08:30:992 (684) T[0x2e2]: The end of stage 0, next stage is 1.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'HeaderDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'quorum', accepted 'quorum'
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Enum param 'DataDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bjEjDdM+hnhjqP25NZbdeTA==', accepted '0bjEjDdM+hnhjqP25NZbdeTA=='
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'ErrorRecoveryLevel': received 0, accepted 0
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Boolean param 'InitialR2T': received No, accepted 0
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Boolean param 'ImmediateData': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (708) T[0xd8]: The end of stage 0, next stage is 1.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxRecvDataSegmentLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxBurstLength': received 262144, accepted 262144
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'FirstBurstLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxConnections': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataPDUInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataSequenceInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Wait': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Retain': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> ErrorRecoveryLevel=0.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> MaxConnections=1.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> HeaderDigest=None.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> DataDigest=None.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> InitialR2T=No.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> ImmediateData=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=262144.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> MaxBurstLength=262144.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> FirstBurstLength=65536.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Wait=5.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Retain=5.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> MaxOutstandingR2T=1.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> DataPDUInOrder=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: >>> DataSequenceInOrder=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'HeaderDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Enum param 'DataDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'ErrorRecoveryLevel': received 0, accepted 0
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Boolean param 'InitialR2T': received No, accepted 0
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Boolean param 'ImmediateData': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxRecvDataSegmentLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxBurstLength': received 262144, accepted 262144
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'FirstBurstLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxConnections': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataPDUInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataSequenceInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Wait': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Retain': received 5, accepted 5
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> ErrorRecoveryLevel=0.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> MaxConnections=1.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> HeaderDigest=None.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> DataDigest=None.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> InitialR2T=No.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> ImmediateData=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=262144.
17:08:30:992 (700) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxOutstandingR2T': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> MaxBurstLength=262144.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> FirstBurstLength=65536.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Wait=5.
17:08:30:992 (684) T[0x2e2]: The end of stage 1, next stage is 3.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Retain=5.
17:08:30:992 (684) C[0x1114], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_ACCEPT.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> MaxOutstandingR2T=1.
17:08:30:992 (684) C[0x1114], LOGGED_IN: T5.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> DataPDUInOrder=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: >>> DataSequenceInOrder=Yes.
17:08:30:992 (540) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxOutstandingR2T': received 1, accepted 1
17:08:30:992 (708) T[0xd8]: The end of stage 1, next stage is 3.
17:08:30:992 (708) C[0x1115], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_ACCEPT.
17:08:30:992 (708) C[0x1115], LOGGED_IN: T5.

The following is the config and log file for a mutual connection.

# StarWind iSCSI server configuration file.
# This file contains list of SCSI devices that will be accessible to iSCSI.
# The device name should be placed in the first column followed by the target name.
# The device name and the target name should be separated by at least one space.
# $Id: starwind.conf,v 1.26 2005/03/11 17:11:04 valery Exp $


# LogLevel values: (0-Disabled, 1-Errors, 2-Warnings, 3-all messages)
LogLevel = "1"

# Don't change the LogMask if you have no idea what does it mean!
LogMask = "0x8fffffff"

# Port number for iSCSI connectons
Port = "3260"

# Interface to listen to. "" corresponds to "listen to all interfaces".
Interface = ""

# Macros:
# $(host) - host name
# $(symid) - symbolic target id ('cdrom.z' for example)

# Uncomment the line below to have global target id as part of target name
DefTargetName = "$(host).$(symid)"

# Username and password used for the control connection.

# CHAP authentification for control connections
#CtlAuthMode = "chap"
#CtlAuthServerName = "srv"
#CtlAuthServerSecret = "123"
#CtlAuthClientName = "user"
#CtlAuthClientSecret = "345"

# 'Echo = yes' - enables echo for control connections.
Echo = "no"

# Minimal 'maximum transfer length' should be supported by all SPTI devices
MinBufferSize = "65536"

# 'Minimal' aligment mask for SPTI devices - all buffers passed to SPTI will
# be aligned according to this mask at least. Sure if an adapter requests
# bigger aligment target will supply correctly aligmned buffers.
AlignmentMask = "0x0000"

# Setting 'AllowOnlyRecordableCd' to 'yes' forces the target to filter out all but
# recordable CD/DVD.
#AllowOnlyRecordableCd = "no"

# Auto Export some of the found Devices
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:disk,spti:cd/dvd"
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:cd/dvd"

# Devices are autoexported as read/write by default
# set AutoConfigMode="ro" to allow only readonly access to all the devices
#AutoExportMode = "ro"

# Length of iSCSI queue. (min 16, max 512)
MaxPendingRequests = "64"


# Plugins
# Parameters (mandatory):
# -module - plugin dll
# -symlink - device name prefix for all devices managed by the plugin
# -type - type of devices managed by the plugin
# (optional):
# -loglevel:"n" (n=0-3) - override log level for a plugin (by default global LogLevel value is used)

# Ram Disk plugin
addplugin -module:"RamDisk.dll" -symlink:"RamDrive" -type:"RAM disk"

# ImageFile-specific parameters (mandatory):
# -imagedir - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
# parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields (separated with |):
# 1 - directory path
# 2 - directory access rights (c - create images, d - delete images, f - create directories, v - view subdirectories)
# 3 - directory alias
# 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed
# 5 - (optional) comment
# example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|img,dat" - imagedir:"d:\images|cdfv|images|img|raw images"
# optional:
# -volumes:<no|yes> - allows browsing and using of hard disk RAW partitions
# addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"images|cdfv|images|img" -volumes:"no"
addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"Q:\|cdfv|quorum|iscsi" -imagedir:"E:\|cdfv|exchange|iscsi"

# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (mandatory):
# -imagedir - image files directory. several 'imagedir'
# parameters can be set. 'imagedir' must contain following fields separated with |:
# 1 - directory path
# 2 - directory access rights (v - view subdirectories)
# 3 - directory alias
# 4 - comma separated extension list. only files with these extensions can be viewed
# 5 - (optional) comment
# example : -imagedir:"c:|cdf|system|iso,mds" - imagedir:"d:\images|f|images|iso|iso images"
# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (optional):
# share - sharing option flags. May be '', 'r', 'w' or 'rw'. 'r' means that device will be
# shared for reading. 'w' - for writing. Default is ''.
# sessions - number of simultaneous iSCSI session allowed for this device. Default is 1.
addplugin -module:"VirtualDvd.dll" -symlink:"VirtualDvd" -type:"Virtual DVD" -imagedir:"images|v|images|mds,iso"


# SPTI-specific device parameters (optional)
# -timeout:nnn - SCSI command execution timeout (in seconds). Default is 108000 (30 hours).
# -share:"<rw|r>" - to allow multiple initiators to access the device (shared mode)
# -sessions:nnn - set maximum number of initiators allowed to mount the device in shared mode
# -readonly:<no|yes> - to export hard drives in readonly mode

# Hard drive accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Physicaldrive0

# CD-ROM accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Z:

# Share a hard drive or a CD-ROM to multiple clients
#add \\.\F: -timeout:256 -share:"rw" -sessions:8

# ImageFile device parameters:
# -file - image files name. This name is relative to 'imagedir'. The file should exists.
# It can be created by means of 'mksparse' utility.
# -header - if not 0 the plugin will not use given amoung of bytes in the beginning of the file,
# This value should be sector aligned.
# -asyncmode:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in asyncronous mode (you can benefit from this on stripped volumes)
# -clustered:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in shared mode
# and allows several iSCSI initiators to be connected to it
#add ImageFile0 -file:"image.img" -asyncmode:"yes"
#add ImageFile1 -file:"\\.\X:" -header:65536

# RAM disk device parameters:
# -size - size of RAM disk to create (in MB).
# -format - if 'yes' created disk will be formatted as FAT16 partition.
# -useawe:<no|yes> - allows creating of huge ram drives (>1GB)
# But the AWE mode is a bit slower than not using AWE!
#add RamDrive0 -size:16 -format:no

# Virtual DVD device parameters:
# -file - image (iso or mds) file name.
# -type - 'iso' or 'mds' depending on type of the image.
#add VirtualDvd0 -file:"D:\temp\iwin2k.iso" -type:"iso"

add "ImageFile0" -file:"quorum\quorum.iscsi" -header:"0" -asyncmode:"no" -clustered:"yes"
add "ImageFile1" -file:"exchange\exchdata.iscsi" -header:"0" -asyncmode:"no" -clustered:"yes"

# CHAP authentication

#allow -device:RamDrive0 -chapLocalName:"" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
#allow -chapLocalName:"test" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
allow -device:"ImageFile0" -chapLocalName:"quorum" -chapLocalSecret:"western1western1" -chapPeerName:"wilcgyclust01-01" -chapPeerSecret:"western2western2"
allow -device:"ImageFile0" -chapLocalName:"quorum" -chapLocalSecret:"western1western1" -chapPeerName:"wilcgyclust01-02" -chapPeerSecret:"western2western2"


17:27:59:889 (500) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target Version 2.6.0 (Build 0x20050314, Win32)
17:27:59:889 (500) Srv: *** TRIAL VERSION *** [ expires in 12 day(s) ]
17:27:59:889 (500) Srv: Please contact Rocket Division Software at <> for more details.
17:27:59:889 (500) Srv: Unlimited number of client hosts allowed.
17:27:59:889 (500) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarWind\starwind.conf'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'LogLevel' = '1'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8fffffff'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'Interface' = ''
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'Login' = ''
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'Password' = ''
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '1'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8fffffff'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to$(host).$(symid)"'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to ''.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to ''.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'Q:\|cdfv|quorum|iscsi'
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'Q:\'
Rights: 0xffffffff
Alias: 'quorum'
Extensions: 'iscsi'
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'E:\|cdfv|exchange|iscsi'
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'E:\'
Rights: 0xffffffff
Alias: 'exchange'
Extensions: 'iscsi'
ImageFile[500] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
VirtualDVD[500] SscPort_Init: Parse ImageDir: 'images|v|images|mds,iso'
Sw:[500] Browser_DirCreate: Mask mismatch (ff / ff000000)
Sw:[500] Browser_DirDelete: Mask mismatch (ff / ff0000)
Sw:[500] Browser_DirCreateFolder: Mask mismatch (ff / ff00)
VirtualDVD[500] SscPort_Init:
Dirname: 'C:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarWind\images'
Rights: 0xff
Alias: 'images'
Extensions: 'mds,iso'
VirtualDVD[500] SscPort_Init: Comment : ''
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: the device 'ImageFile0' is opened successfully.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'Imagefile.ImageFile0'.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: parameter 'header', value '0'.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: parameter 'file', value 'Q:\\quorum.iscsi'.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: parameter 'buffering', value 'no'.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: clustered 1.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: parameter 'asyncmode', value 'no'.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: *WARNING* device is clustered. Up to 256 sessions allowed.
17:27:59:905 (500) S: 256 session(s) allowed.
17:27:59:905 (500) conf: Target [0x7f688] has been created. Device 'ImageFile0' is accesible as target ''.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: the device 'ImageFile1' is opened successfully.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: Assigned target name: '', SymId: 'Imagefile.ImageFile1'.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: parameter 'header', value '0'.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: parameter 'file', value 'E:\\exchdata.iscsi'.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: parameter 'buffering', value 'no'.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: clustered 1.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: parameter 'asyncmode', value 'no'.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: *WARNING* device is clustered. Up to 256 sessions allowed.
17:27:59:920 (500) S: 256 session(s) allowed.
17:27:59:920 (500) conf: Target [0x80070] has been created. Device 'ImageFile1' is accesible as target ''.
17:27:59:920 (500) conf: CHAP secret(s) for 'quorum' loaded successfully.
17:27:59:920 (500) conf: CHAP secret(s) for 'quorum' loaded successfully.
17:27:59:920 (500) Srv: Refreshing device list (complete)...
17:28:00:780 (500) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0' found.
17:28:00:780 (500) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1' found.
17:28:00:780 (500) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2' found.
17:28:00:780 (500) Srv: (FREE) Binding to ...
17:28:00:796 (500) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
17:28:00:796 (528) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...
17:28:09:733 (500) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4370
17:28:09:733 (500) C[0x1112], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:28:09:733 (500) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: T3.
17:28:09:733 (650) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370000, TSIH 0x0000.
17:28:09:733 (650) C[0x1112], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:28:09:733 (650) C[0x1112], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01-01', accepted 'wilcgyclust01-01'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:28:09:733 (650) S: 1 session(s) are opened, 255 more allowed.
17:28:09:733 (650) T[0x1]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:28:09:733 (650) T[0x1]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bRbBFh4my4t1QXgP7+5K8IBMhYWmZQTwSTJjZSDnMmZ0=.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'quorum', accepted 'quorum'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bxOn+U11UbmljgXqz2oihzw==', accepted '0bxOn+U11UbmljgXqz2oihzw=='
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'CHAP_I': received 41, accepted 41
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_C': received '0bSgydasKFLNRsKkikHLGELP4TZq96noLr+h6pdQq0CHQWSy+LvHEi3FCE2BXeBuySQFnoMCW63Whc2emmSnZc4R8UZWG0HU2EvI', accepted '0bSgydasKFLNRsKkikHLGELP4TZq96noLr+h6pdQq0CHQWSy+LvHEi3FCE2BXeBuySQFnoMCW63Whc2emmSnZc4R8UZWG0HU2EvI'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> CHAP_N=wilcgyclust01-01.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> CHAP_R=0bF5M2OIaVhK7gN6GRHoJr7w==.
17:28:09:733 (750) T[0x1]: The end of stage 0, next stage is 1.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'HeaderDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Enum param 'DataDigest': received 'None', accepted 'None'
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'ErrorRecoveryLevel': received 0, accepted 0
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Boolean param 'InitialR2T': received No, accepted 0
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Boolean param 'ImmediateData': received Yes, accepted 1
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxRecvDataSegmentLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxBurstLength': received 262144, accepted 262144
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'FirstBurstLength': received 65536, accepted 65536
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxConnections': received 1, accepted 1
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataPDUInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Boolean param 'DataSequenceInOrder': received Yes, accepted 1
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Wait': received 5, accepted 5
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'DefaultTime2Retain': received 5, accepted 5
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> ErrorRecoveryLevel=0.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> MaxConnections=1.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> HeaderDigest=None.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> DataDigest=None.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> InitialR2T=No.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> ImmediateData=Yes.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=262144.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> MaxBurstLength=262144.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> FirstBurstLength=65536.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Wait=5.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> DefaultTime2Retain=5.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> MaxOutstandingR2T=1.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> DataPDUInOrder=Yes.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: >>> DataSequenceInOrder=Yes.
17:28:09:733 (650) Params: <<< Numeric param 'MaxOutstandingR2T': received 1, accepted 1
17:28:09:733 (750) T[0x1]: The end of stage 1, next stage is 3.
17:28:09:733 (750) C[0x1112], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_ACCEPT.
17:28:09:733 (750) C[0x1112], LOGGED_IN: T5.
17:28:35:952 (500) Srv: Accepted connection from id assigned - 4371
17:28:35:952 (500) C[0x1113], FREE: Event - CONNECTED.
17:28:35:952 (500) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: T3.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: Login request: ISID 0x400001370000, TSIH 0x0000.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) C[0x1113], XPT_UP: Event - LOGIN.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) C[0x1113], IN_LOGIN: T4.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< String param 'InitiatorName': received 'wilcgyclust01-02', accepted 'wilcgyclust01-02'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< Enum param 'SessionType': received 'Normal', accepted 'Normal'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< String param 'TargetName': received '', accepted ''
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: Update OFMarkInt according to the value of OFMarker.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: Update IFMarkInt according to the value of IFMarker.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) S: 2 session(s) are opened, 254 more allowed.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) T[0x1]: iSCSI parameters set according to the device's MaxTransferLength (262144)
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< Enum param 'AuthMethod': received 'CHAP', accepted 'CHAP'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) T[0x1]: CHAP authentication selected.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: >>> AuthMethod=CHAP.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: >>> TargetPortalGroupTag=1.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< Enum param 'CHAP_A': received '5', accepted '5'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: >>> CHAP_A=5.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: >>> CHAP_I=2.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: >>> CHAP_C=0bgKRk/sc8kVL+OtHvBwJw9FLbxZ60CMg8cEtGfv32BzA=.
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_N': received 'quourm', accepted 'quourm'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_R': received '0bhrx+zGdZGpM1F65Ym/WfBA==', accepted '0bhrx+zGdZGpM1F65Ym/WfBA=='
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< Numeric param 'CHAP_I': received 41, accepted 41
17:28:35:952 (4f8) Params: <<< String param 'CHAP_C': received '0bR0zDnN7yhqFMAfTy37dbqKCtjFy0b8+/SuqIrM5b7jhv1R0IVP8F0PF38GntfuGTR9rSY8iCI1YQ4GRvPB9aZKQF0+TSjb+o06', accepted '0bR0zDnN7yhqFMAfTy37dbqKCtjFy0b8+/SuqIrM5b7jhv1R0IVP8F0PF38GntfuGTR9rSY8iCI1YQ4GRvPB9aZKQF0+TSjb+o06'
17:28:35:952 (4f8) T[0x1]: *ERROR* Authentication failed. Name 'quourm' not found in allowed names list.
17:28:35:952 (634) C[0x1113], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_REJECT.
17:28:35:952 (634) C[0x1113], FREE: T7.
17:28:35:952 (53c) S: 1 session(s) are opened, 255 more allowed.


Authorization fails on the second node... I can only guess that the second auth request is trying to authorize against the 1st nodes permissions and fails because the node login name is incorrect. At the second node initiator all I get is a authorization failed error.
Val (staff)
Posts: 496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:20 pm

Please look at the following line in the mutual auth logs:

17:28:35:952 (4f8) T[0x1]: *ERROR* Authentication failed. Name 'quourm' not found in allowed names list.
17:28:35:952 (634) C[0x1113], IN_LOGIN: Event - LOGIN_REJECT.

Maybe you simply mistyped the name (quorum) in the second machine's settings?

For the initiator only auth mode, do you mean clustering doesn't work with it?
According to the logs I see the first machine mounts ImageFile0 before ImageFile1. But the other machine mounts ImageFile1 first.
This could lead to the situation where ImageFIle0 is \\.\PhysicalDrive1 on for the first machine, but it is \\.\PhysicalDrive2 for the second.

Could you try to set up your MS initiator to mount the targets in the same order?
Best regards,

Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:11 pm

Sorry that was the wrong log file and an answer to your question would be... in initiator auth mode quorum does not work.

I started from scratch by reverting to the oringial config file, recreated the image file (mksparse) and then reconfiguring the initiators to connect using "quorum" as both logins names with the node logins as login1 and login2. I can now connect from both but the drive is not shared so quorum is still broken.
Val (staff)
Posts: 496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:34 pm

Anonymous wrote:Sorry that was the wrong log file and an answer to your question would be... in initiator auth mode quorum does not work.

I started from scratch by reverting to the oringial config file, recreated the image file (mksparse) and then reconfiguring the initiators to connect using "quorum" as both logins names with the node logins as login1 and login2. I can now connect from both but the drive is not shared so quorum is still broken.
As the target is mounted by the cluster machines, it's all right with iSCSI.

I guess you need to set up your cluster correctly.

Please take a look at the followin topic for a short step-by-step instruction how to build a MS cluster with a StarWind-based quorum disk.
Best regards,

Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:43 pm

I havent even tried setting up the cluster at this point. I can tell that the drive is not shared by opening the drive on server1 and creating a file and then opening the drive on server2... hhmmm no file. I can then add a new file on server2 and look on server1... hmmm no second file. the only time the drives are ever the same on either machine is on reboot where the image file is read and the drive is mounted for the first time.
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anton (staff)
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Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:01 pm

Did not get the idea... Are you trying to share hard disk at block level in read-write mode?
Anonymous wrote:I havent even tried setting up the cluster at this point. I can tell that the drive is not shared by opening the drive on server1 and creating a file and then opening the drive on server2... hhmmm no file. I can then add a new file on server2 and look on server1... hmmm no second file. the only time the drives are ever the same on either machine is on reboot where the image file is read and the drive is mounted for the first time.
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

Val (staff)
Posts: 496
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Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:11 pm

Anonymous wrote:I havent even tried setting up the cluster at this point. I can tell that the drive is not shared by opening the drive on server1 and creating a file and then opening the drive on server2... hhmmm no file. I can then add a new file on server2 and look on server1... hmmm no second file. the only time the drives are ever the same on either machine is on reboot where the image file is read and the drive is mounted for the first time.
It's definitely OK to see the behaviour that you described.
The ISCSI links work good, the problem is the standard Windows filesystems don't support sharing of a physical drive.

In other words, anyway iSCSI can't be used for simple sharing disk targets between 2+ PCs without using additional software, otherwise the volume's data will be corrupted.

To use the remote disk as a shared storage you need to install a SAN filesystem on both client machines (FYI SFS from DataPlow works good with StarWind's targets).

But to setup a MS cluster you need to follow the manual I've pointed to at the previous post.

FYI in the MS clustering model only one of the cluster's nodes has complete access to shared resources. The other nodes are locked while the main node is up and running. In case of the main node's failure the other custer node obtain ownership over the cluster's resources and so on.

Simply try to setup clustering. I guess it should work without problems.

Please let us know about the results.
Best regards,

Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:13 pm

Quourm relies on the ability to keep quorum logs updated among all the nodes... if node1 writes a change to the quorum drive it needs to be available to ALL the nodes in the cluster. If the drive is not shared with read write access, how can any node in the cluster other than the 1st node be kept up to date?

Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:21 pm

Anonymous wrote:
I havent even tried setting up the cluster at this point. I can tell that the drive is not shared by opening the drive on server1 and creating a file and then opening the drive on server2... hhmmm no file. I can then add a new file on server2 and look on server1... hmmm no second file. the only time the drives are ever the same on either machine is on reboot where the image file is read and the drive is mounted for the first time.

It's definitely OK to see the behaviour that you described.
The ISCSI links work good, the problem is the standard Windows filesystems don't support sharing of a physical drive.

In other words, anyway iSCSI can't be used for simple sharing disk targets between 2+ PCs without using additional software, otherwise the volume's data will be corrupted.

To use the remote disk as a shared storage you need to install a SAN filesystem on both client machines (FYI SFS from DataPlow works good with StarWind's targets).

But to setup a MS cluster you need to follow the manual I've pointed to at the previous post.

FYI in the MS clustering model only one of the cluster's nodes has complete access to shared resources. The other nodes are locked while the main node is up and running. In case of the main node's failure the other custer node obtain ownership over the cluster's resources and so on.

Simply try to setup clustering. I guess it should work without problems.

Please let us know about the results.
Best regards,
I followed your guide the very 1st time with version 2.4 and it worked fine. My cluster setup is not any different then it was last week with the exception that I am using version 2.6 (I used the exact same steps for setup with both). I need to use version 2.6 simply because it has support for the image file to live on another drive not in the starwind images directory (I have multiple disks that need to be used by the cluster).
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anton (staff)
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Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:44 pm

Which step exactly is failing? For now it seems to me you just have read-write access enabled but true clustering (blocking) services are not working. Are you sure you have properly configures third-party software?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
I havent even tried setting up the cluster at this point. I can tell that the drive is not shared by opening the drive on server1 and creating a file and then opening the drive on server2... hhmmm no file. I can then add a new file on server2 and look on server1... hmmm no second file. the only time the drives are ever the same on either machine is on reboot where the image file is read and the drive is mounted for the first time.

It's definitely OK to see the behaviour that you described.
The ISCSI links work good, the problem is the standard Windows filesystems don't support sharing of a physical drive.

In other words, anyway iSCSI can't be used for simple sharing disk targets between 2+ PCs without using additional software, otherwise the volume's data will be corrupted.

To use the remote disk as a shared storage you need to install a SAN filesystem on both client machines (FYI SFS from DataPlow works good with StarWind's targets).

But to setup a MS cluster you need to follow the manual I've pointed to at the previous post.

FYI in the MS clustering model only one of the cluster's nodes has complete access to shared resources. The other nodes are locked while the main node is up and running. In case of the main node's failure the other custer node obtain ownership over the cluster's resources and so on.

Simply try to setup clustering. I guess it should work without problems.

Please let us know about the results.
Best regards,
I followed your guide the very 1st time with version 2.4 and it worked fine. My cluster setup is not any different then it was last week with the exception that I am using version 2.6 (I used the exact same steps for setup with both). I need to use version 2.6 simply because it has support for the image file to live on another drive not in the starwind images directory (I have multiple disks that need to be used by the cluster).
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

Val (staff)
Posts: 496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:11 am

Anonymous wrote: I followed your guide the very 1st time with version 2.4 and it worked fine. My cluster setup is not any different then it was last week with the exception that I am using version 2.6 (I used the exact same steps for setup with both). I need to use version 2.6 simply because it has support for the image file to live on another drive not in the starwind images directory (I have multiple disks that need to be used by the cluster).
Nothing changed in StarWind's ImageFile clustering support module since version 2.4.x.

You recreated the quorum disk, right? The cluster was already installed and worked good?

I guess there should be some steps to initialize the new quorum disk to make it accessible from your cluster machines.
If you just create a new ImageFile disk and substitute it for the old one, the cluster will not work because it need the disk to be initialized before.

Please look at the MS clustering guide for more details how to change the quorum disk.
Best regards,