Create a fileimage device

Software-based VM-centric and flash-friendly VM storage + free version

Moderators: anton (staff), art (staff), Max (staff), Anatoly (staff)


Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:49 am

I have a hard time to mount an image file. It will not show up into the starwind GUI. The following is the conf file and log file. Can anyone help me?

# StarWind iSCSI server configuration file.
# This file contains list of SCSI devices that will be accessible to iSCSI.
# The device name should be placed in the first column followed by the target name.
# The device name and the target name should be separated by at least one space.
# $Id: starwind.conf,v 1.21 2005/01/31 01:50:03 valery Exp $


# LogLevel values: (0-Disabled, 1-Errors, 2-Warnings, 3-all messages)
LogLevel = "1"

# Don't change the LogMask if you have no idea what does it mean!
LogMask = "0x8000ffff"

# Port number for iSCSI connectons
Port = "3260"

# Interface to listen to. "" corresponds to "listen to all interfaces".
Interface = ""

# Macros:
# $(host) - host name
# $(symid) - symbolic target id ('cdrom.z' for example)

# Uncomment the line below to have global target id as part of target name
DefTargetName = "$(host).$(symid)"

# Username and password used for the control connection.
Login = "admin"
Password = "##zJiWBrWG8zkY/gVS3sNnyA=="

# CHAP authentification for control connections
#CtlAuthMode = "chap"
#CtlAuthServerName = "srv"
#CtlAuthServerSecret = "123"
#CtlAuthClientName = "user"
#CtlAuthClientSecret = "345"

# 'Echo = yes' - enables echo for control connections.
Echo = "no"

# Minimal 'maximum transfer length' should be supported by all SPTI devices
MinBufferSize = "65536"

# 'Minimal' aligment mask for SPTI devices - all buffers passed to SPTI will
# be aligned according to this mask at least. Sure if an adapter requests
# bigger aligment target will supply correctly aligmned buffers.
AlignmentMask = "0x0000"

# Setting 'AllowOnlyRecordableCd' to 'yes' forces the target to filter out all but
# recordable CD/DVD.
#AllowOnlyRecordableCd = "no"

# Auto Export some of the found Devices
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:disk,spti:cd/dvd"
#AutoExportDevices = "spti:cd/dvd"

# Devices are autoexported as read/write by default
# set AutoConfigMode="ro" to allow only readonly access to all the devices
#AutoExportMode = "ro"

# Length of iSCSI queue. (min 16, max 512)
MaxPendingRequests = "64"


# Plugins
# Parameters (mandatory):
# -module - plugin dll
# -symlink - device name prefix for all devices managed by the plugin
# -type - type of devices managed by the plugin
# (optional):
# -loglevel:"n" (n=0-3) - override log level for a plugin (by default global LogLevel value is used)

# Ram Disk plugin
addplugin -module:"RamDisk.dll" -symlink:"RamDrive" -type:"RAM disk"

# addplugin -module:"IBVolume.dll" -symlink:"IBV" -type:"IBV" -imagedir:"ibv" -imagemask:"*.x" -loglevel:"3"

# ImageFile-specific parameters (mandatory):
# imagedir - image files directory. The plugin scans this directory for available images.
# imagemask - image file mask. While scanning the directory (see above) the plugin will
# look only for files selected by this mask.
addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"d:\images" -imagemask:"*.img"

# VirtualDvd-specific parameters (optional):
# share - sharing option flags. May be '', 'r', 'w' or 'rw'. 'r' means that device will be
# shared for reading. 'w' - for writing. Default is ''.
# sessions - number of simultaneous iSCSI session allowed for this device. Default is 1.
addplugin -module:"VirtualDvd.dll" -symlink:"VirtualDvd" -type:"Virtual DVD" -imagedir:"images" -imagemask:"*.iso"


# Hard drive accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Physicaldrive0

# SPTI-specific device parameters (optional)
# -timeout:nnn - SCSI command execution timeout (in seconds). Default is 108000 (30 hours).
# -share:"<rw|r>" - to allow multiple initiators to access the device (shared mode)
# -sessions:nnn - set maximum number of initiators allowed to mount the device in shared mode

# CD-ROM accessible through SPTI
#add \\.\Z:

# Share a hard drive or a CD-ROM to multiple clients
#add \\.\F: -timeout:256 -share:"rw" -sessions:8

# ImageFile device parameters:
# -file - image files name. This name is relative to 'imagedir'. The file should exists.
# It can be created by means of 'mksparse' utility.
# -header - if not 0 the plugin will not use given amoung of bytes in the beginning of the file,
# This value should be sector aligned.
# -asyncmode:<no|yes> - if 'yes' the image is opened in asyncronous mode (you can benefit from this on stripped volumes)
#add "ImageFile0" -file:"image.img" -asyncmode:"yes"
#add ImageFile1 -file:"\\.\X:" -header:65536
add ImageFile0 -file:"d:\image.img"

# RAM disk device parameters:
# -size - size of RAM disk to create (in MB).
# -format - if 'yes' created disk will be formatted as FAT16 partition.
# -useawe:<no|yes> - allows creating of huge ram drives (>1GB)
# But the AWE mode is a bit slower than not using AWE!
# -speedtest:<no|yes> - can be used for network throughput tests.
# In the mode no data actually are written to or read from the ram disk.
#add RamDrive0 -size:16 -format:yes
#add RamDrive0 -size:16 -format:no -useawe:no -speedtest:yes
#add "RamDrive0" -size:"16" -format:"yes"

# Virtual DVD device parameters:
# -file - image (iso or mds) file name.
# -type - 'iso' or 'mds' depending on type of the image.
#add VirtualDvd0 -file:"D:\temp\iwin2k.iso" -type:"iso"

# add "IBV0" -file:"test.ibv"


# CHAP authentication

#allow -device:RamDrive0 -chapLocalName:"" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"
#allow -chapLocalName:"test" -chapLocalSecret:"5432109876543210" -chapPeerName:"" -chapPeerSecret:"0123456789012345"

08:38:14:718 (d48) Srv: StarWind iSCSI Target Version 2.4.3 (Build 0x20050209, Win32)
08:38:14:718 (d48) Srv: *** FREE NON COMMERCIAL version ***
08:38:14:718 (d48) Srv: Please contact Rocket Division Software at <> for more details.
08:38:14:718 (d48) Srv: Maximum number of clients allowed: 2.
08:38:14:718 (d48) Srv: Config file: 'C:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarWind\starwind.conf'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'LogLevel' = '1'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'LogMask' = '0x8000ffff'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'Port' = '3260'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'Interface' = ''
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'DefTargetName' = '$(host).$(symid)'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'Login' = 'admin'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'Password' = '##zJiWBrWG8zkY/gVS3sNnyA=='
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'Echo' = 'no'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'MinBufferSize' = '65536'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'AlignmentMask' = '0x0000'
08:38:14:718 (d48) conf: 'MaxPendingRequests' = '64'
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'LogLevel' is set to '1'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'LogMask' is set to '0x8000ffff'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'Port' is set to '3260'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'Interface' is set to ''.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'DefTargetName' is set to '$(host).$(symid)'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'Login' is set to 'admin'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'Password' is set to '##zJiWBrWG8zkY/gVS3sNnyA=='.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'Echo' is set to 'no'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'MinBufferSize' is set to '65536'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'AlignmentMask' is set to '0x0000'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: Variable 'MaxPendingRequests' is set to '64'.
08:38:14:734 (d48) conf: 'RamDisk.dll' loaded successfully.
08:38:15:078 (d48) conf: 'ImageFile.dll' loaded successfully.
08:38:15:093 (d48) conf: 'VirtualDvd.dll' loaded successfully.
08:38:15:093 (d48) SCSI: Failed to create 'ImageFile0' device.
08:38:15:093 (d48) S: *ERROR* cannot open the device 'ImageFile0'.
08:38:15:093 (d48) Srv: * Device test failed for 'ImageFile0'.
08:38:15:093 (d48) conf: Device test failed for 'ImageFile0'.
08:38:15:093 (d48) Srv: Refreshing device list (complete)...
08:38:16:734 (d48) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\E:' found.
08:38:16:765 (d48) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive0' found.
08:38:16:765 (d48) Srv: A new SPTI device '\\.\PhysicalDrive1' found.
08:38:16:765 (d48) SCSI: Failed to create 'ImageFile2' device.
08:38:16:765 (d48) Plugin: Test for device 'ImageFile2' failed.
08:38:16:765 (d48) SCSI: Failed to create 'ImageFile1' device.
08:38:16:765 (d48) Plugin: Test for device 'ImageFile1' failed.
08:38:16:765 (d48) Srv: (FREE) Binding to ...
08:38:16:765 (d48) Srv: Waiting for a connection at port ...
08:38:16:781 (f58) conf: Waiting for a control connection at port 3261 ...
08:38:33:015 (f58) conf: Accepted the control connection from
Val (staff)
Posts: 496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:29 am


This is an issue with the StarWind version.
It does not allow using ImageFile volumes in custom directories.

To work around the issue you need set the -imagedir parameter to its default value:
addplugin -module:"ImageFile.dll" -symlink:"ImageFile" -type:"Image file" -imagedir:"images" -imagemask:"*.img"

The image subdirectory should be created under the StarWind's installation directory.

We'll remove the limitation in the next StarWind release.

Tank you for the feedback.
Best regards,

Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:53 pm

When is the next release expected? I am testing your software for a Windows 2000 cluster and have the need to have multiple image files on "multiple disks" and can't due to the current limitations.
art (staff)
Site Admin
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:14 pm

Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:04 pm


The new versions (2.6.0) of both StarWind and StarPort have just been uploaded and are available from our site now. Please download them and this should resolve the problems reported. Thanks!
