AoE target no longer visible - dynamic versus static mapping

Initiator (iSCSI, FCoE, AoE, iSER and NVMe over Fabrics), iSCSI accelerator and RAM disk

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Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:28 pm

I've been running an AoE service at my shop for general storage - nothing major, just a 4TB target mounted on Windows for sharing (everyone at the shop but me are Windows-nerds, I prefer Linux). Everything was fine for about 2 years when my Windows 7 machine had a hardware failure so I installed the initiator on a windows 8 box in the shop - it worked for about a day, and now the target is suddenly no longer visible to windows (the error it reports is corrupt/missing data - not very useful). The Target is on CentOS 6.6 and is a striped LV running on vbladed - it's still up and the volume appears to be intact. Since the volume has always been mounted and managed by a windows AoE initiator, the filesystem is not ExtN... it should be NTFS, but I can't manually mount it as NTFS on my CentOS box.

The Client is running Starwind Initiator build 2010-03-10

The Target (CentOS 6.6 - x64) is running:
aoetools: 36
installed aoe driver: 81
running aoe driver: 81

The Target supports udev (udev config below) - but I guess I just don't understand how the dynamic mapping works. Prior to the failure I was NOT running with udev, but I didn't change anything except installing regular updates with yum. I assume a kernel update somewhere in the recent past added and implemented support for udev and everything got confused???

My udev rules are as follows:

SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="discover", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="err", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0440"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="interfaces", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="revalidate", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"

# aoe block devices
KERNEL=="etherd*", NAME="%k", GROUP="disk"

The files /dev/etherd/discover, err, interfaces, revalidate all exist and the LV target is in a /dev subdirectory symbolically-linked back to the a block device (/dev/dm-5). LVM reports the volume is intact and healthy.

Please let me know if there are any links I should read regarding this - I've searched all over the place and nothing seems to address the difference between udev-dynamic and statically mapped device methods for AoE. I'm not even sure that's the problem.

Also let me know if I need to post any configuration info that might help.

Thanks so much in advance...

Pulling what hair I have left out,
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Alex (staff)
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Wed May 06, 2015 4:46 pm

Unfortunately, StarWind Intiator product is EOL-ed, and is not supported anymore.

It is possible, that initiator is not compatible with Windows 8, as it use some kernel-level functionality. Try to run it from Windows 7, it may solve the issue.
Best regards,
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anton (staff)
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Sun May 10, 2015 2:36 pm

Bad news to AoE lovers. CoRAID is R.I.P. ... lly-toast/

Good luck to guys with their new projects!
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

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