May 2, 11am PT / 2pm ET
Speaker: Oleg Pankevych, Pre-sales Engineer, StarWind
StarWind Free Webinar: Get the full scoop about backing up with Wasabi
Are you an IT Manager, IT Specialist, or a System Backup Administrator looking for high-performing and cost-efficient cloud object storage? Please meet, Wasabi hot cloud storage! Wasabi is easy to understand, easy to use, and incredibly cost-effective to scale. It provides high-performing and enterprise-level cloud object storage to satisfy the 3-2-1 backup rule. This is really a tidbit for SMBs! But are there some pitfalls? Why is it important to follow the “3-2-1” backup rule? Do any other cloud object storage “major players” exist?
Learn from the upcoming webinar about the full scoop of creating backups and go up the ladder with Wasabi cloud storage!
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