Tape Director - ArcServe 16.5 and Hyper V

Tape drive and auto-loader redirector over iSCSI

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Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:51 am

Hello all,

Below is my architecture :
An 2012 Server with Hyper V and ISCSI card connected to LTO tape
on this Hyper V server, I have a VM with server 2012 and ArcServe 16.5 installed.

I 'm trying to use my LTO as a passtrought using Tapedirector for it.
After installation, on my backup software I can see the LTO but not all media Inside.
On the computer management of both servers I have a difference on the storage controller.

As you could see on the files attachement, the tape director seems to show up the LTO but not the drives .
Do you have a solution to fixed it please ?

Thanks for your help
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Hyper-V - tape director.png
Hyper-V - tape director.png (38.08 KiB) Viewed 21220 times
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Anatoly (staff)
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Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:32 am

So basically Tape Redirector sees the Loader/Changer, but not the tapes themselves, correct?
Best regards,
Anatoly Vilchinsky
Global Engineering and Support Manager
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Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:22 pm

Correct .
Arcserve is using the computer management to check if there is an autoloader or NAS.
At this point the autoloader seems to be up on Arcserve but the software is not mouting the tapes.

in this FAQ it's up :
https://www.starwindsoftware.com/techni ... e_2011.pdf
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Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:09 am

Dear all,

I delete the device and the target from Starwind Manaement Console and connected it again.
But now on the computer device management on my VM i've got the unknown device. ( Starwinds ISCSI connector).

Where could I find the driver ?

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Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:45 pm

I've checked again and again, still having the same issue.

On my host where the ISCSI is connected I can see Library and drive but on my Hyper-V VM only the drive is up .
using IBM Tape Diagnostic for checking issues.
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Vladislav (Staff)
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Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:23 pm

Hello, feco

Could you please try these IBM drivers for Windows:

http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentr ... tion=all#1

Please let us know if this would help.
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Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:34 am

Vladislav (Staff) wrote:Hello, feco

Could you please try these IBM drivers for Windows:

http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentr ... tion=all#1

Please let us know if this would help.

Dear Vladislav,

Thanks for your reply.
But the link you sent me is not good. Error page.
Did you research ULT3580-HH or 3573 TL ,

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Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:16 am

Dear Vladislav,

As you can see on the attached file, now I can see the drive and the libraries.
With your driver from IBM now both are mounted on your software. (the tape and tape changer are up as isci target on my device)

Thank again for your help.

flashback :

Dell TL2000 LTO5 with lastest firmware and updates
Host with server 2012 and Hyper V 3.0
VM on 2012 server with last updates and Arcserve.

On the host machine, need to install starwind Management Console software and IBM drivers ( don't know if you need the WHQL or Windows one)
On the target machine, install or use ISCI initiator and add the IP of the host machine where is connected the ISCSI LTO. ( I installed drivers too on this machine, don't know if it's needed but with all my tries i've done it).
You need to connected by the ISCSI initiator the target.
After that you need to restart your target machine and you should see have on the computer device management the new devices on.

open your backup software and everything should be up too.

Great software ! thumps up for the dev team
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Vladislav (Staff)
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Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:14 pm

Hello feco,

Great to hear that the issue was solved.

Thanks for your feedback :)
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