I'm trying to configure VTL Free to replicate to Azure storage via the sample VTLReplicationSettings.ps1 file. I've configured the parameters as follows:
Code: Select all
param($addr="", $port=3261, $user="root", $password="starwind",
$accessKey="Access Key Copied From Azure Portal",
$containerName="backup", (Container name I created in Azure Storage Account)
$keepLocal=0, # -1 never delete local copy, 0 delete immediatelly after upload, N delete after N days
$keepInCloud=7, # -1 never delete from cloud, N>0 delete after N days
$keepInStorage1=-1, #S3 move to glacier interval, AZure move to cool interval in days (-1 never)
$keepInStorage2=-1, #Azure only, move from cool to archieve interval in days (-1 never)
$delayBeforeStart=0,# -1 never upload to cloud, 0 upload immediate after export, N>0 after N days
$serviceUrl="", # S3 Generic clouds only
$createTapeOnExport=0 # create new tape on export: 1-Yes, 0-No
To me, it looks like I need to also specify the Storage Account Name (AccountName in that error log?) but it doesn't seem like there's a parameter for that in the object "$settings = new-object -ComObject StarWindX.VTLReplicationSettings"2024/09/14 18:14:30.777 [47] Current request information:
POST http://localhost/api/v2/AzureReplicator ... tesettings HTTP/1.1
Content-Type : application/json
Accept : */*
Host : localhost
User-Agent : StarWind Service
Content-Length : 253
2024/09/14 18:14:33.741 [60] Error: AzureNoInternetConnectionOrInvalidStorageAccount. Message: No internet connection or invalid storage account. Error code: 410
2024/09/14 18:14:33.741 [60] Validate settings for container: backup. Result: AzureNoInternetConnectionOrInvalidStorageAccount
In the paid version of VTL that has a UI it does look like there is an option to specify this:
(Screenshot taken from this video https://youtu.be/UFr37c7J6eM?t=1030)
I assume there's something I'm not understanding here as I see others have been able to configure this via Powershell but I'm struggling to find any Azure example configs that people have used.