I'm currently attempting to use the Starwinds VTL to perform a DR of an IBM Spectrum Protect/TSM 8.1.21 instance.
We're running the VTL in Local-Only mode, as the environment is air-gapped.
The TSM database has been written to the Virtual Tape, and appears totally fine. It has the standard 80-byte EBCDIC headers at the fore, then filemark, then the database itself. So i'm confident that the tape is _not_ the issue.
The VTL is running on a Windows Server 2019 VM, sharing over iSCSI to a RHEL 7 VM where we're attempting to recover the DB. The RHEL7 box can see the emulated 3584 library, it can see the 4 IBM drives and correctly assigns them with /dev/IBMchanger* + /dev/IBMtape* numbers.
When we attempt to recover the database using the `dsmserv restore db` command, it attempts to verify the label the volume and then proceeds to give us a series of errors.
Code: Select all
ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRV001 (/dev/IBMtape0) with volume NONE (OP=SETMODE, Error Number=22, CC=0, rc = 2683, KEY= 05, ASC=24, ASCQ= 00, SENSE=,
Description=An undetermined error has occurred)
ANR8353E 001: I/O error reading label of volume in drive DRV00 (/dev/IBMtape0)
The above logs still contain what I believe to be the pertinent part of the logs - All other functionality seems to work. I think this means that something that TSM is doing that Starwinds does not like?
Is this a known issue, and are there any known workarounds?