Physical Machine to Azure

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

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Posts: 7
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:18 am

I want to convert an entire physical machine (Windows 10) to Microsoft Azure. I have seen the proceedure ... Azure.html

My question is do I have to also create the Virtual Machine in Azure first with the same discs etc ? or will the software do this for me? and lastly do I have to register the application as I cannot find any prerequistes.

Thanks :)
yaroslav (staff)
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:41 am

Welcome to StarWind Forum :)
The software will do that for you. Yet, if you decide to convert individual disks, you will need to connect them to a VM afterward.
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:48 am

Hi Yaroslav

Thank you for the quick response and lastly i have seen posts that you have register the application, do i need to do that?

Thanks :)
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2781
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:25 pm


You are always welcome :)
This is done as a part of account preparation. Without it, conversion will not simply happen as the destination is not ready to act on the requests.
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:10 pm

Hi Yaroslav

Do you have any documentation on how to register the application or is that done at the time of "Enter the Azure Connection Parameters"

Thank you again :)
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2781
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Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:51 pm

Yes, we do (please note this is an Azure side of the setup). ... Azure.html
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Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:54 am

So I manage to start migrating the physical machine all was going well until i got an error message
3/2 0:53:20.740 3050 Facility ???ERROR: VMConverter::AzureConverter::CreateVM: CreateDisk Status code: 400 Error code: BadRequest Message: Changing property 'sourceUri' is not allowed for existing disk 'DataDisk_8723935427912920559'.
3/2 0:53:20.740 3050 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConverterAzure: Create VM - Error sending request to Azure.
Changing property 'sourceUri' is not allowed for existing disk 'DataDisk_8723935427912920559'.
3/2 0:53:20.740 3050 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::Convert: FAILED

Thanks again
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2781
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Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:15 pm

It looks like the Azure side is not ready to accept the VM. Please make sure Azure is configured right.
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Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:12 am


Thanks again for the reply.

What should I be looking for on the Azure side?
I followed this document ... Azure.html

Thanks again
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2781
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Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:28 pm

That's strange. Thank you for your update.
The error code indicates an issue with the connection to Azure. Does your account have enough privileges to access all resources?
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Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:14 am


We followed the instructions provided, The App registration has contributor access to the subscription in Azure, The wizard did create a storage account and uploaded the converted VHD files but seem to fail when tring to create the virtual machine resource. Are we missing any permissions that are not included in the instructions.

yaroslav (staff)
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Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:58 pm

Can you please try creating a fresh account and dry-run the conversion?
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Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:51 am


Created a fresh account and the wizard did create a fresh storage account and uploaded the converted VHD files but seem to fail agian when tring to create the virtual machine resource.

Thanks again
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2781
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Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:06 am

I think the Azure side of the setup is not configured correctly. It can also mean that Microsoft has changed again something on the Azure side so that new setups do not work well.
Please log a call with us at Please use 1124292 and this thread as your references.
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Mon May 13, 2024 6:31 pm


I'm trying to migrate a physical machine to Azure.
At the new virutal machine settings I can't select an existing Network interface. Only option is to Create a new Network Interface.

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