Error when converting ESXi Image to Azure

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

Moderators: anton (staff), art (staff), Max (staff), Anatoly (staff)

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Posts: 4
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Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:25 pm


we are trying to convert from ESXi vCenter to Azure and we get the following error:

Code: Select all

The log file name: 'logs\V2V_Log-20231218-134407.log' (PID 2480)
12/18 13:44:07.275 14cc Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: SetDllDirectory: C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarWind V2V Converter\lib
12/18 13:44:07.275 14cc Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: File Version:
12/18 13:44:07.280 14cc Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: Load language IDR_XML_ENGLISH
12/18 13:44:07.280 14cc Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: Set current language English
12/18 13:44:07.287 14cc Facility ???INFO: CPS_V2V_Converter::CPS_V2V_Converter: Version MajorVersion 10, MinorVersion 0, BuildNumber 14393
12/18 13:44:07.293 14cc Facility ???INFO: WrapperHyperV::WrapperHyperV: LoadLibrary C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiutils.dll - e0160000
12/18 13:44:07.294 14cc Facility ???INFO: WrapperHyperV::WrapperHyperV: LoadLibrary C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiutils.dll - e0160000
12/18 13:45:55.208 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eESXConnection
12/18 13:46:12.653 14cc Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: m_url - https://10.x.x.x/sdk
12/18 13:46:12.734 14cc Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: fullName - XXXXXX, key - ...........
12/18 13:46:12.735 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eInputVM
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:14.659 14cc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.3
12/18 13:46:24.249 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eLocationTo
12/18 13:46:27.277 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eSynchronization
12/18 13:47:10.245 1e80 Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::AzureConverter::ThreadProc: Start token control expires
12/18 13:47:12.610 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eESXConnectionTo
12/18 13:47:58.778 14cc Facility ???INFO: ConfigNewAzureVM::GetConfigVM: Create new NI
12/18 13:47:58.778 14cc Facility ???WARNING: CPPOutputVM::OnButtonBrowseClick: Fill up GUID is fail
12/18 13:48:01.927 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eVolumeSelectVM
12/18 13:48:15.414 14cc Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eHYPERVConnectionTo
12/18 13:48:15.422 1a98 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::Convert: InConvertType: 5, OutConvertType: 9
12/18 13:48:15.423 1a98 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertDisks: pathInput: [vmfs_Datastore_XY] VMNAME/VMNAME.vmdk, pathOutput:
12/18 13:48:15.499 1a98 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sFilename - [vmfs_Datastore_XY] VMNAME/VMNAME.vmdk
12/18 13:48:15.499 1a98 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: m_cvmxSpec - moref=vm-2584
12/18 13:48:15.505 1a98 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sslThumbprint - .............
12/18 13:48:16.233 1a98 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertDisks: CreateInputImage: 0
12/18 13:48:17.740 1a98 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertDisks: CreateOutputImage: 0
12/18 13:51:12.741 1848 Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::Connection::<lambda_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>::operator (): Timeout ESX connection
12/18 13:58:33.651 1a98 Facility ???ERROR: AzureDisk::Write: WinHttpReceiveResponse: 12152: The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response
12/18 13:58:33.651 1a98 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: Write 4
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Starwind Converter stays at 0 percent for about 10 minutes until it throws the error...

yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2554
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:06 pm

Welcome to StarWind Forum. To me, it looks like a network issue.
Is it an ESXi FREE host set up as a destination?
Can you please try converting a disk alone?
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:22 pm

Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:50 am

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. We are using vCenter Standard.
Do you mean that we should try to convert the VMDK to a local disk first instead to Azure? The customer is currently testing this and I'm waiting for his feedback
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2554
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:23 pm


You are always welcome.
Yes, please look into an individual disk conversion. May I also wonder if there are any firewalls in between the Azure and the destination?
Also, can you download the file(s) from Azure and convert them as local images as a workaround?
Please keep me posted.
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Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:28 pm

Converting a disk from ESX to a local disk seems to work fine.
If we take the converted vhdx and try to upload it to Azure, the conversion fails with the same error. Might be an issue with the customers tenant...
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2554
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Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:40 pm


Yes, can be something related to the permissions in the account or resource groups.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:22 pm

Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:46 am

Ok thanks, will try to figure it out with the customer.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2554
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:00 pm


Please keep me posted. Thanks!
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