yaroslav (staff) wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:03 pm
Welcome to StarWind Forum. This feature is still on the roadmap without a clear ETA.
Could you please let me know which issues you ran into?
Im trying to use the following script:
Code: Select all
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe convert in-host_type=esx in_host_address="esxihost1 IP" in_host_username="username" in_host_password="PASSWORD" in_vm_name="name of vm" out_host_type=win out_host_address="localhost" out_host_username="host admin account" out_host_password="password" out_vm_name="name of vm" out_file_name="path of folder\disk1.vhdx" out_file_type="ft_vhdx_growable"
but am receiving the following error:
Opening log file 'logs\V2VConsole_Log-20250204-073533.log'.
Invalid parameter.
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe command parameter1=value1 parameter2=value2 parameter3=value3...
convert - convert virtual or physical disk
list - list available disks
-c - using configuration file, see the online help
https://www.starwindsoftware.com/v2v-he ... nfile.html
Parameters for convert command:
in_host_type=<esx/win/ovirt/proxmox/local>, default value - local
in_host_address=<ip address/hostname/localhost>, default value - localhost
in_host_username=<username>, default - empty
in_host_password=<password>, default - empty
in_host_port=<port number> (default for esx - 443, for windows - not used)
in_file_name=<path to file on server/physical disk name/logical volume name>
out_host_type=<esx/win/ovirt/proxmox/local>, default value - local
out_host_address=<ip address/hostname/localhost>, default value - localhost
out_host_username=<username>, default - empty
out_host_password=<password>, default - empty
out_host_port=<port number> (default for esx - 443, for windows - not used)
out_vm_name=<vm name to disk attach>, required parameter for ESXi
out_file_name=<path to file on server>
out_file_type=<file type>
File types:
ft_vhd_growable - MS VHD growable;
ft_vhd_pre_allocated - MS VHD pre-allocated;
ft_vhdx_growable - MS VHDX growable;
ft_vhdx_pre_allocated - MS VHDX pre-allocated;
ft_vmdk_ws_growable - VMDK growable for VMware Workstation;
ft_vmdk_ws_pre_allocated - VMDK pre-allocated for VMware Workstation;
ft_vmdk_esx_growable - VMDK growable for VMware ESXi Server;
ft_vmdk_esx_pre_allocated - VMDK pre-allocated for VMware ESXi Server;
ft_vmdk_so - VMDK stream-optimized;
ft_raw - RAW image;
ft_raw_kvm - RAW image for KVM
ft_qcow2 - QCOW2 virtual disk;
ft_qcow2_v3 - QCOW2 version 3 virtual disk;
ft_vdi_growable - VDI growable for Oracle VirtualBox;
ft_vdi_pre_allocated - VDI pre-allocated for Oracle VirtualBox.
Parameters for list command:
object=<object type>
Object types:
ot_disks - local physical disks
ot_volumes - local logical volumes
Convert local .img file to local vmdk file:
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe convert in_file_name="c:\test\disk.img" out_file_name="d:\disk.vmdk" out_file_type=ft_vmdk_ws_pre_allocated
Convert remote vhdx to remote vmdk file:
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe convert in_host_type=win in_host_address="hostWin" in_host_username="user1" in_host_password="pwd1" in_file_name="d:\virtual machines\vm_sql\disk1.vhdx" out_host_type=esx out_host_address="hostEsx" out_host_username="user2" out_host_password="pwd2" out_vm_name="NameVM" out_file_type="ft_vmdk_esx_grawable" out_file_name="[datastore] vm/disk1.vmdk"
Convert local physical disk 1 to remote esx disk:
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe convert in_file_name="\\?\PhysicalDisk1" out_host_type=esx out_host_address="hostEsx" out_host_username="user" out_host_password="pwd" out_vm_name="NameVM" out_file_type="ft_vmdk_esx_pre_allocated" out_file_name="[datastore] vm/disk2.vmdk"
List local physical disks:
Also, if the host is in a cluster with DRS/HA enabled, then this feature needs to be disabled before running this correct?