Hi! We rebuilt storage on one node. First i recreate lesser device HAImage2 using RemoveHAPartner.ps1 and AddHaPartner.ps1 and its all ok. Then i recreate bigger device HAImage1 and on second node it become HAImage3. Such naming isnt so usefull as i expected. Is there any way how i can rename HAImag...
Thank you for all your help, we finally found the source of our problems! Initially our Storage Spaces included 6 HDDs on each node then we expand it to 10 HDDs. So pool was set up to have 3 columns and didnt changes to 5 columns after adding new HDDs. So now we need to rebuild our pools and recreat...
We create small image 1Gb - OK
We extend it for 1 Gb - OK
We extend it for 100 Gb - OK
We extend it for 1 Tb - error There is not enough space on the disk..
Thanks for the last tip! We've fixed our scripts for the future. But our main problem is still unresolved. We decided to split our storage into two parts and create a new HAImage. And now we are facing the same problem: PS C:\Windows\system32> C:\SW_scripts\CreateHA_2_yet_another_disk.ps1 Request to...
We do not use hypervisor. We do not have CSV. We use volumes on HAImage disks as Cluster disk on our File Server Cluster. CreateHA_2 : param($addr="", $port=3261, $user="root", $password="starwind", $addr2="", $port2=$port, $user2=$user, $pas...
Hello! Our setup: 2-node cluster w/ Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, 54 Tb ReFS disk on each node configured by Storage Spaces We have 2 HAImage devices at this disk (VSAN Free): HAImage1 30,7Tb (for fileshare) and HAImage2 4,7Tb (for shadowcopies) We want to extend HAImage1 for additional 5 Tb but w...