The Latest Gartner® Magic Quadrant™Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software
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PS C:\Users\Administrator.MV> C:\Users\Administrator.MV\Desktop\MaintenanceModeON.ps1
C:\Users\Administrator.MV\Desktop\MaintenanceModeON.ps1 : Operation cannot be completed. Device has client connections.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,MaintenanceModeON.ps1
There is a script there. The Free Windows-based installation also comes with GUI solely for monitoring purposes. You need to use StarWindX scripts there then I can put it to maintenance mode ?
Make sure that the restart precautions are followed (HA devices are synchronized and connected over iSCSI in MS iSCSI initiator)(luns which not exist any more but console see some info = which i crated before for testing and deleted ) - they still exist in StarWind.cfg on one node - how i can clean that ?
Yes, but you can try thisso I have to detach all Iscsi connections before each planned shutdown ?
Code: Select all
$StarWind = 'SW-HCA-VM-01' #specify your StarWind VM (or host) ip-address
#Getting StarWind devices in to "Maintenance Mode"
Import-Module StarWindX
$server = New-SWServer -host $StarWind -port 3261 -user root -password starwind
write-host "Devices:" -foreground yellow
foreach($device in $server.Devices){
if( !$device ){
Write-Host "No device found" -foreground red
} else {
$disk = $device.Name
if ($device.Name -like "HAimage*"){
$device.SwitchMaintenanceMode($true, $true)
write-host "$disk entered maintenance mode"
} else {
write-host "$disk is not an HA device, maintenance mode is not supported"
Write-Host $_ -foreground red
As a side note, Cluster disks have their thresholds for coming online. Please bring them up manually in Failover Cluster manager.on both windows hyper-v this disks are offline after switching hyper-v cluster of from cluster console
Is any easy way to just shutdown properly storage providers with free release ?