Convert from Azure to VMware: You have requested access to

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

Moderators: anton (staff), art (staff), Max (staff), Anatoly (staff)

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Posts: 5
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Tue Feb 15, 2022 12:51 pm

Hi all,
I'm trying to convert a VM from Azure to VMware ESXi 7.0.2 but the process ended always with the error message:
You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds

I cannot understand what does it mean. I attach logs for more details:

2/14 17:54:54.953 5e20 Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: m_url -
2/14 17:54:54.979 5e20 Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: fullName - Administrator, key - 524868a8-bac0-daf0-43e7-8dc62e335dd8
2/14 17:54:54.979 5e20 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eVMSettingsESX
2/14 17:54:55.016 5e20 Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::GetHostListInfo: ESX version: 7.0.2
2/14 17:55:17.674 5e20 Facility ???WARNING: CPPVMSettingsESX::onNext: Don't finded . in [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153
2/14 17:55:17.674 5e20 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eConverting
2/14 17:55:17.689 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::Convert: InConvertType: 10, OutConvertType: 6
2/14 17:55:17.705 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CheckFileESX::CheckFileExistance: GetBrowser fail - File [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24 was not found
2/14 17:55:17.896 5c48 Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::CreateVM: createVM is true, 37
2/14 17:55:17.896 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConverterESX: Create VM 37
2/14 17:55:17.959 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: pathInput: /subscriptions/ed123c5b-8c59-4053-a520-1dcdd602e1a6/resourceGroups/tms-edi-prod-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153, pathOutput: [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153.vmdk
2/14 17:55:18.542 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: CreateInputImage: 0
2/14 17:55:18.542 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sFilename - [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153.vmdk
2/14 17:55:18.542 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: m_cvmxSpec - moref=37
2/14 17:55:18.542 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sslThumbprint - 61:5A:26:B6:A8:07:D2:5A:E4:81:E0:B2:75:DE:EF:63:CD:97:BF:8B
2/14 17:55:19.508 5c48 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: CreateOutputImage: 0
2/14 18:33:26.235 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: VMwareFile::Write: m_VixDiskLib_Write is fail - 16007, You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds
2/14 18:33:26.235 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: Write 4
2/14 18:37:36.191 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sFilename - [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153.vmdk
2/14 18:37:36.191 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: m_cvmxSpec - moref=37
2/14 18:37:36.191 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Close disk
2/14 18:37:36.195 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Disconnect
2/14 18:37:36.195 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sslThumbprint - 61:5A:26:B6:A8:07:D2:5A:E4:81:E0:B2:75:DE:EF:63:CD:97:BF:8B
2/14 18:37:37.159 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: VMwareFile::Write: m_VixDiskLib_Write is fail - 16007, You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds
2/14 18:37:37.159 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: Write 4
2/14 18:37:38.034 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sFilename - [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153.vmdk
2/14 18:37:38.034 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: m_cvmxSpec - moref=37
2/14 18:37:38.034 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Close disk
2/14 18:37:38.034 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Disconnect
2/14 18:37:38.042 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sslThumbprint - 61:5A:26:B6:A8:07:D2:5A:E4:81:E0:B2:75:DE:EF:63:CD:97:BF:8B
2/14 18:37:39.005 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: VMwareFile::Write: m_VixDiskLib_Write is fail - 16007, You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds
2/14 18:37:39.005 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: Write 4
2/14 18:37:42.109 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sFilename - [eu1rst01__iso-tmpl] EU1VAP24/eu1vap24-osdisk-20210420-123153.vmdk
2/14 18:37:42.109 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: m_cvmxSpec - moref=37
2/14 18:37:42.109 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Close disk
2/14 18:37:42.109 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: Disconnect
2/14 18:37:42.109 5c48 Facility ???INFO: ESXVmdk::ParseFile: sslThumbprint - 61:5A:26:B6:A8:07:D2:5A:E4:81:E0:B2:75:DE:EF:63:CD:97:BF:8B
2/14 18:37:43.070 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: VMwareFile::Write: m_VixDiskLib_Write is fail - 16007, You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds
2/14 18:37:43.070 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: Write 4
2/14 18:37:44.927 5c48 Facility ???WARNING: WrapperESXI::IsValidResponse: object id - 0
2/14 18:37:44.927 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: WrapperESXI::restoreDisk: IsValidResponse morVM config false
2/14 18:37:44.927 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: VMConverter::ESXIConverter::RestoreVirtualDisk: restoreDisk fail - -1
2/14 18:37:44.927 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: ESXIDisk::Delete: RestoreVirtualDisk error - Response is incorrect.
2/14 18:37:45.133 5c48 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::Convert: FAILED

Please help me.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2475
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:12 pm

It looks like the converter cannot reach the VM in the cloud (can be because of the constrained access). Please move the VM disk to the local Windows Server VM and repeat conversion for the local file.
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Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:35 pm

Sorry, not clear for me, what do you mean with constrained access? I'm the owner in Azure, as a role.
Copying disk locally is a very slow operation, I need to do that for 20 VMs.
Is there any other option?
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2475
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Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:24 am

V2V Converter cannot access the file for some reason.
Make sure to have preparations made as described here ... Azure.html
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Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:43 pm

I've checked all the requirements, and I can confirm I've done everything.
The only portion not so clear to me is the one about Storage Account. Honestly I've left the resource group already created, I don't know if there could be any limitation on them.
In the meantime I've tried with other VMs, I obtain always the same error message at 98/99% of the conversion:
ERROR: VMwareFile::Write: m_VixDiskLib_Write is fail - 16007, You have requested access to an area of the virtual disk that is out of bounds

I've tried converting only disk vhd, without the entire VM, and it works.
Please do you have any suggestions? Doing one disk at a time for every VM is a huge work.

Thank you very much for your help.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2475
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Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:13 pm

I will escalate this query to R&D. While we are waiting for an answer, could you please try conversion of each disk separately?
Can I have the full log to see the V2V convertor version, please?
Is the VM shut down while converting?
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Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:50 pm

Conversion of single disks work as expected. Convertion of entire VM gives the error message provided.
I attach all logs for analysis, they contain the successful conversion of single disk and various failure of the entire VM.
Yes, VM is powered off, otherwise conversion doesn't start :-)
Thank you very much for your help, very appreciated.
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yaroslav (staff)
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Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:20 pm


I have just confirmed this to be not expected behavior. The fix should be introduced in the next builds.
For now, please do conversion disk-by-disk.

Thanks for pointing out the issue we are working on fixing it.
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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:13 pm

Do you know when new release will be available? Is there any possibility to have the previous version? Maybe that one didn't contain the problem.
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2475
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Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:03 pm

The previous versions also was having this problem.
Unfortunately, I do not have ETA for this fix to arrive. Please stay tuned.
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Thu May 25, 2023 1:07 pm

I am having exactly the same issue is there a fix for this yet? am using version
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2475
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Thu May 25, 2023 6:18 pm

This is the latest one.
There is just a workaround that seems to work.
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