Extending the HA image, not the virtual disk.

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Posts: 36
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Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:11 pm

In the free version of this product, or if you are using the PowerShell scripts, you have a file called "extendImageFile.ps1".

If you customize and use this file to extend your image file, you don't actually extend your HA device.

For example, your example is set to extend the image by 100MB per run.
When you run the scipt, it will extend the disk image by 100MB each time, but the HA device stays the same size.

Through the GUI, when you extend the HA device, it extends everything for you.

Is there a way to extend the HA device, across all HA hosts, with PowerShell?

Here is an example of what I'm seeing when I run the PowerShell script.
The HA Device is at 110GB while the disk image is at 120GB.
The device vs. the image difference.
The device vs. the image difference.
starwind_ha_device.png (186.3 KiB) Viewed 124400 times
Hope this helps.
- Jeff Morlen

Follow me on Twitter (@tig_jeff)
Ivan (staff)
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Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:50 pm

Hello tig_jeff,
Thanks for the interest in StarWind solution.
Extend HA device example will be available in next release build.
I will update this thread as soon as next Release build will be available to download
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Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:15 pm

Thanks Ivan!

I cannot wait!
Hope this helps.
- Jeff Morlen

Follow me on Twitter (@tig_jeff)
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Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:00 pm

I came across the same question.
Thanks for the answer. :)
Ivan (staff)
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Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:36 pm

Hello gentlemen,
Extend HA will be available in next build which is planned to release on next week.
I will update this thread as soon as next release build will be available to download
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Mon May 08, 2017 6:08 pm

I've noticed that the next release hasn't been published yet.
Do we have an ETA on it?

Thanks again, for everything.

Hope this helps.
- Jeff Morlen

Follow me on Twitter (@tig_jeff)
Ivan (staff)
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Mon May 08, 2017 7:30 pm

Hello tig_jeff,
Upcoming build and extendHA script still testing and as I said I will keep this thread updated once script will be ready
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Fri May 12, 2017 1:25 pm

Thanks Ivan.
I'll keep my eye on the thread.

Have a great weekend.

Hope this helps.
- Jeff Morlen

Follow me on Twitter (@tig_jeff)
Ivan (staff)
Posts: 172
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Mon May 15, 2017 3:39 pm

Hello guys,
Updating the community:
ExtendImageFile now supports extending HA devices. This sample is available in a new release build which you can download by following next link: https://www.starwindsoftware.com/regist ... irtual-san
Release notes: https://www.starwindsoftware.com/release-notes-build
Posts: 114
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Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:12 pm

This is a new two-host Hyper-V HA setup, running version 11404. I initially created an HA image too small, and want to extend it from 500 GB to 1500 GB. I thought it would be easy, but...

Using the Management Console, I right-click on the image, but the "Extend Size of HA (High Availability) Device..." action is listed but grayed out. No hint as to why; presumably there's some condition that hasn't been met, but I don't know what. Is that a license thing perhaps?

I've confirmed that there is lots of free space on the physical partitions -- although it seems odd that the used space on two synchronized image folders is widely different: 31.8 GB used on one, 345 GB on the other. Maybe that's normal, I don't know.

I see there's a more recent version out: 11456. But I don't see any obvious way to upgrade to the latest version without re-registering and downloading a whole new license and installation. How do we update to the latest version without re-registering? And do we upgrade by just running the new installer over the old one?

Since all I can see in StarWIndX\PowerShell is ExtendDevice.ps1, and it says that script can extend HA devices, I tried that: edited the image name (HAImage2) and space increment, and ran it. Get this: it took down the OTHER cluster node! I can't reach it at all!

The script exited with "200 Failed: operation cannot be completed." Now I can't even telnet to its StarWind ports! The service is running -- I can even restart it, no problem -- but connecting to it, all I get is "StarWind Service not found on host ..." for both on that server, or its IP on the other.

Did I screw up by using the image name instead of device name? How the heck do I fix this mess? Help!

--- Ken
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice they're not." -- Yogi Berra
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Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:29 pm

Quick follow-up note: rebooting the host resolves the crashed StarWind functionality. But the expansion fails, no clue why.

Oh, and BTW, it seems like there's some terminology confusion in the StarWind documentation/interface. The ExtendDevice.ps1 script only seems to be able to recognize image names. And the enumDevicesTargets.ps1 script only lists images. So it can be a little confusing knowing what is being referred to when.

-- Ken
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice they're not." -- Yogi Berra
Sergey (staff)
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Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:30 pm

Hello, Ken. I advise you to update to the latest 11456 build. In order to do that, please quit StarWind Management Console, download the latest stable release build from this link: https://www.starwindsoftware.com/tmplin ... ind-v8.exe and launch the installation file. No need to register it again, as you will update within StarWind version 8. Check this step-by-step guide:
1. Check that all StarWind devices have status “Synchronized” on both nodes;
2. Move all Cluster resources from the node where StarWind will be updated;
3. Install the latest StarWind version;
4. Wait until StarWind service starts and the synchronization process begins;
5. Wait until the synchronization process is over;
6. Check that all StarWind devices have status “Synchronized” on both nodes;
7. Move all Cluster resources from the node where StarWind has been updated to another one;
8. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 for another node.
After that please try to extend device again.
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