Automtic snapshots

Software-based VM-centric and flash-friendly VM storage + free version

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Posts: 359
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:12 pm

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:08 pm

Yeah, got the IT strategy signed off today so purchasing a copy of StarWind. Quite looking forward to getting a SAN just from the flexibility POV. Okay, so we need to get out more,

Anyway, still got the trial running. I set on up to snapshot every 30 minutes and keep 10 copies then sat there watching it and nothing happened. No snapshot after 30 minutes.

Made a few changes to the files and wandered off and then came back later and voila, a snapshot.

Does it only create a snapshot if a write has been carried out?

Also, how do you edit the snapshot period and number of sessions to keep later? Can't see where to edit these or is that impossible? I would have though the period would be okay to change.

Regards, Rob.
@ziz (staff)
Posts: 57
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:44 pm

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:30 pm

robnicholson wrote:Made a few changes to the files and wandered off and then came back later and voila, a snapshot.

Does it only create a snapshot if a write has been carried out?
Exactly, no changes no new snapshot.
robnicholson wrote: Also, how do you edit the snapshot period and number of sessions to keep later? Can't see where to edit these or is that impossible? I would have though the period would be okay to change.
Online editing snapshot parameters is not possible in current version. If it will be required by our customers we can add it to our future plans. So, for now to edit such parameters you have to delete it from the management console and recreate the target using the existing image and indicate the new parameters you need.
Aziz Keissi
Technical Engineer
StarWind Software
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