HA Cluster. Out of sync.

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Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:48 am


I have created the HA cluster on the same machines as Windows Cluster.
My configuration: node1: Windows Hyper-V Server 2008R2 SP1 + Starwind Service + 2 NIC
node2: Windows Hyper-V Server 2008R2 SP1 + Starwind Service + 2NIC
On both machines i have installed MPIO feature.
When i disconnect target on one of nodes and reconnect them, i receive yellow symbol and status out of sync. At attempt to begin synchronisation, i receive a message that "Partner device cannot be used synchronization. Partner must be ready". In Server log many such records
CMSInitiatorDevice::SendCDB2Device: EXITing with failure, DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT ) failed, ERROR = 1, SCSI STAUTUS = 0!
HA: CMSInitiatorDevice::SendCustomControlScsiCommand: EXITing with failure, SendCDB2Device(...) failed!

Thanks for answer
Oleg (staff)
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:56 am

You have only 2 NICs on each server (we recommend to use 3 NICs for such configuration).
in your case you should create 3 subnet.
Use 1-st subnet on separated NIC only for synchronization.
2nd subnet will be for heartbeat and clients, 3rd for hyper-v cluster traffic.
On second NIC you have to create 2 VLANs (1st for clients and heartbeat, 2nd for hyper-v cluster traffic) and set there up IPs from 2nd and 3th subnets.

Oleg Netsevych
Head of Technical Support Team,
StarWind Software Inc.
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:22 pm

Ok. I understand. But now i try to configure only HA cluster, without Failover cluster. So a problem not in it.
@ziz (staff)
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:35 pm

NoName wrote:Ok. I understand. But now i try to configure only HA cluster, without Failover cluster. So a problem not in it.
What IP addresses are you using to connect your HA device in the MS iSCSI initiator in both sides?
Aziz Keissi
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:59 pm

@ziz (staff) wrote:What IP addresses are you using to connect your HA device in the MS iSCSI initiator in both sides?

Look, i have two servers with Starwind targets. On the same servers i run ISCSI initiator and connect them. Addresses of HA servers appear automatically on the Discovery Tab. One address - Synchronization; one address - Heartbeat; One address - another node sync.interface. Maybe this solution is wrong, but i dont have hardware anymore in my home.
@ziz (staff)
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:07 pm

NoName wrote:
@ziz (staff) wrote:What IP addresses are you using to connect your HA device in the MS iSCSI initiator in both sides?

Look, i have two servers with Starwind targets. On the same servers i run ISCSI initiator and connect them. Addresses of HA servers appear automatically on the Discovery Tab. One address - Synchronization; one address - Heartbeat; One address - another node sync.interface. Maybe this solution is wrong, but i dont have hardware anymore in my home.
Please check that in the MS iSCSI initiator of both of your servers you indicate the IP addresses of the both servers (do not use loopback
Aziz Keissi
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Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:48 pm

@ziz (staff) wrote: Please check that in the MS iSCSI initiator of both of your servers you indicate the IP addresses of the both servers (do not use loopback
Yes. Adresses of the both servers there is. No loopback. One target connected automatically, but it is not appears on the Favorit Tab and Volumes and Device after AutoConfigure. Look please at a screenshot.


Is it normal situation?
@ziz (staff)
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Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:22 am

NoName wrote:
@ziz (staff) wrote: [ ... ]

Is it normal situation?
In the MS iSCSI initiator on both sides you have to connect both "test" and "testpartner".
Regarding the sync issue, you should check that the firewalls are disabled on both servers or that you have exceptions for ports 3260. Check that in StarWind Management Console in Access rights tab you have allow the used interfaces.
Which StarWind version are you using?
Aziz Keissi
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Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:16 am

@ziz (staff) wrote: In the MS iSCSI initiator on both sides you have to connect both "test" and "testpartner".
Ok. That's right. I only wanted to know, why they are connected automatically?

@ziz (staff) wrote: Regarding the sync issue, you should check that the firewalls are disabled on both servers or that you have exceptions for ports 3260. Check that in StarWind Management Console in Access rights tab you have allow the used interfaces.
Yes. All rights and ports are opened and configured. Problems begin when i disconnect a client from target for services. After connection restoration, one HA node is out of sync and can't be synchronized never. Only after rebuild target.
@ziz (staff) wrote:Which StarWind version are you using?
Version 5.6

Thanks for answers.
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Max (staff)
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Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:16 am

First of all - use this document as a reference:
http://www.starwindsoftware.com/images/ ... eature.pdf
Since the document is for 5.4 - you need to make few more changes to make this work:
1. On each server's client connection NIC - deploy 2 VLANs resulting in 2 subnet IP separation (e.g and
10.1 will be used for heartbeat, 20.1 will be used for client connections.
Your config should now have 3 addresses to connect to e.g. - Server1 Sync - Server1 Client - Server1 Heartbeat - Server2 Sync - Server2 Client - Server2 Heartbeat

After creating the HA target
On server1: Discover 4 IPs (3 IPs from Server2 and
Server1target - inactive
Server2target - connected
Connect server2target via 20.2
Connect server1target

On server1: Discover 4 IPs (3 IPs from Server2 and
Server2target - inactive
Server1target - connected
Connect server1target via 20.1
Connect server2target

AFAIR that's all
Drop us a message when finished with those
Max Kolomyeytsev
StarWind Software
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Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:52 pm

Ок. It works. Thanks.
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anton (staff)
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Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:48 pm

Thank you very much for keeping us updated!
NoName wrote:Ок. It works. Thanks.
Anton Kolomyeytsev

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Architect, StarWind Software

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