StarWind iSCSI v8.0 RC VSA !!!

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Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:06 am


Just saw this on the toolbar, and decide to try it.

It ask for Hyper-visor address: This is not the vcenter address right ?
anyway i use the esxi ip.
for the windows iso, i use the server 2012 R2 iso from the datastore, that's been use to install my domain vm.
i also downloaded the sw-vsa-20140116.iso and add it to my datastore.

Can you explain how this work? and how it works with the iSCSI i have installed on my Storage server ?

oh my, when it started to create VM, i realize that i may have made a mistake, the 3rd task on the list is "Adding Hyper-V support", does that mean this option is not for ESXi ?

This installed on the LocalDataStorage in my esxi server, what is the HD space needed for this?
it created 2 Virtual Disk, one 82GB and the other 53GB.
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Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:40 pm

vsan_error1.png (80.63 KiB) Viewed 7551 times
Taras (staff)
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Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:42 pm

You could find answers to most of your questions in StarWind help.
Look: Help – Help Topics. Chapter about VSA: StarWind Functionality – Virtual Storage Appliance.
the 3rd task on the list is "Adding Hyper-V support", does that mean this option is not for ESXi ?
For installing Hyper-V Core guest some options is needed. So In this step VSA Builder adding them to VM.
About space for VM: you need 50GB for a system disk (where OS and StarWind service will be installed) and second one will be used as a storage for StarWind devices files, so you could calculate how much do you need.
And about the error – is it single Widows edition iso or multiple edtion one (standart, enterprise,datacenter)?
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Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:46 am


Have been trying the VSA option as well but it fails while trying to create the VM on my ESXi 5.1

The error I got is: Operation "Creating virtual machine" failed. Error: Current license or ESXi version prohibits execution of the requested operation..

Here's the full log:

Code: Select all

11:45:37.874 Starting VSA Builder Wizard
11:45:48.647 Initializing service. Url: esx, Username: root
11:45:50.410 Connecting hypervisor takes 740 ms
11:45:50.410 Hypervisor version: 5.1. Build: 1483097
11:45:51.952 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:46:00.440 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:46:00.440 Showing file dialog for url: esx
11:46:00.456 Initializing service. Url: esx, Username: root
11:46:00.721 Connecting hypervisor takes 255 ms
11:46:00.737 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:47:18.956 Selected file: "DATASTORE_GOLD\ISO\HyperV_2012_core.iso"
11:47:23.829 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:47:23.829 Showing file dialog for url: esx
11:47:23.829 Initializing service. Url: esx, Username: root
11:47:24.095 Connecting hypervisor takes 262 ms
11:47:24.110 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:47:27.579 Selected file: "DATASTORE_GOLD\ISO\Starwind.iso"
11:47:29.032 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:47:53.936 Creating VM. Params: 
VmName : StarWind VSA
VmNameGuid : dfcd0e818d71e4f2
GuestOS : windows7Server64Guest
NetworkName : iSCSI
DiskSizeMb : 51200
VSAExportDiskSizeMb : 20480
RamMb : 2048
CpuCount : 1
VSAExportDatastoreName : DATASTORE_GOLD
WindowsIsoPath : [DATASTORE_GOLD]ISO\HyperV_2012_core.iso
StarwindIsoPath : [DATASTORE_GOLD]ISO\Starwind.iso

11:47:53.936 Datacenter name - ha-datacenter
11:47:55.389 Operation "Creating virtual machine" failed. Error: Current license or ESXi version prohibits execution of the requested operation.. Trace:    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at Vim25Api.VimService.CreateVM_Task(ManagedObjectReference _this, VirtualMachineConfigSpec config, ManagedObjectReference pool, ManagedObjectReference host)
   at Starwind.VirtualMachines.VMWareManager.CreateVM(VMCreationParams creationParams, Action`1 percentDone)
   at VSABuilderWizard.Operations.<>c__DisplayClass24.<GetVMCreationOperations>b__15(List`1 list)
   at GenericWizard.Pages.WizardProgressPage.PerformOperations()
11:47:55.404 Creating virtual machine - failed
What am I missing here? I did install the free license key for Starwind and ESXi.

Thanks for you help.
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Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:04 pm

Hi again,

Just tried the VSAN deployer in another environment, running ESXi 5.5 and vCenter. This time I'm getting past the VM creation and exporting of the disk, but it fails on the step where it's supposed to add Hyper-V support. In fact, I saw the VSA Wizard running ahead of ESXi when the disk was being exported. The VSA Wizard had already reached 100% for this step, while ESXi showed the status for reconfiguring the Starwind VM as somewhere between 95 and 97% at that time. So my best guess is, the Wizard tries to manipulate the VM, but the VM is not ready to be turned on yet.

I tried turning on the VM and saw Windows Setup start but it failed, saying it couldn't apply the <DiskConfiguration> setting in the unattend answer file.

Unfortunately, I can't include a log as the wizard causes an exception every time. I ran the wizard from a remote computer as well as on the Starwind server itself. NO difference.
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Bohdan (staff)
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Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:35 pm

merlo wrote:Hi again,

Just tried the VSAN deployer in another environment, running ESXi 5.5 and vCenter. This time I'm getting past the VM creation and exporting of the disk, but it fails on the step where it's supposed to add Hyper-V support. In fact, I saw the VSA Wizard running ahead of ESXi when the disk was being exported. The VSA Wizard had already reached 100% for this step, while ESXi showed the status for reconfiguring the Starwind VM as somewhere between 95 and 97% at that time. So my best guess is, the Wizard tries to manipulate the VM, but the VM is not ready to be turned on yet.

I tried turning on the VM and saw Windows Setup start but it failed, saying it couldn't apply the <DiskConfiguration> setting in the unattend answer file.

Unfortunately, I can't include a log as the wizard causes an exception every time. I ran the wizard from a remote computer as well as on the Starwind server itself. NO difference.
Is it possible for you to send us (PM or e-mail) download link of that iso image to check what's wrong in our testlab?
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Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:24 pm

Check your PM
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Bohdan (staff)
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Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:46 pm

merlo wrote:Check your PM
Got it. Thanks.
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