Hyper-V to VMWare vdisk conversion.

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

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Posts: 3
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Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:53 am

I recently attempted the conversion of a Hyper-V virtual hard disk to one for use in VMWare workstation/player.

The conversion succeeded but when I created a VM and tried to reboot from the converted disk the VM blue screens during boot (after the splash screen) and goes into a never ending crash reboot cycle.

So far I have been unable to pause the VM at the blue screen so I cannot determine the reason for the crash.

Any pointers would be gratefully received.

Note: I have tried this conversion twice, once with WinImage and once with StarWind. The result is the same so the problem is likely with the VM itself.

Hyper-V VM, Gen 1, Windows Server 2003.

Hyper-V may be 'FREE' at the point of purchase, but it takes well in excess of ten times longer to do anything.
yaroslav (staff)
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Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:19 am


If conversion ran smoothly it looks to be an issue with the drivers inside that VM.
Is there any way to update it to the later version of Windows?
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Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:13 pm


The whole reason for converting the VM to VMWare is to make it easier to extract the 32 bit applications for upgrading. The applications are NOT compatible with later versions of Windows. They need to run in the 32-bit OS to be converted so that they can run on an up to date operating system.
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Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:35 pm

Anyway I got it running by playing with the hardware version and configuration of the VM in Workstation.

I reverted to version 10, and played with the HDD.

So thanks for your help/
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2457
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:32 pm

Glad to know it worked in the end!
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