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V2V Hyper-V to VMWare with passthru disks?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:08 pm
by riahc3

I need to V2V convert a Hyper-V VM to a VMWare VM (and then back, V2V VMWare to Hyper-V) but the Hyper-V VM has passthru disks.....

I want to know how this is supported. The passthru disks dont need to get passed or anything since I just need to install some software and pass it back to the original source but I want to know how its gonna act thru the conversion.


Re: V2V Hyper-V to VMWare with passthru disks?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:06 pm
by yaroslav (staff)
Sadly, it is not supported. Try P2V converstion inside the VM for that disk to convert it into the VMDK first.