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Converting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:53 am
by GBDickinson
I'm attempting to move a VM from ESXi to Azure. I've set up the application with "Owner" permissions to the Subscription, but both times I've attempted the conversion it ends like this:

Code: Select all

11/27 20:38:33.579 10bc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::AzureConverter::CreateVM: InProgress
11/27 20:38:33.677 10bc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::AzureConverter::CreateVM: InProgress
11/27 20:38:33.771 10bc Facility ???INFO: VMConverter::AzureConverter::CreateVM: Succeeded
11/27 20:38:33.934 10bc Facility ???ERROR: VMConverter::AzureConverter::CreateVM: CreateDisk Status code: 400 Error code: BadRequest Message: Changing property 'sourceUri' is not allowed for existing disk '[Disk Name]'.
11/27 20:38:33.934 10bc Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::ConverterAzure: Create VM Error sending request to Azure.
Changing property 'sourceUri' is not allowed for existing disk '[Disk Name]'.
11/27 20:38:33.938 10bc Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: m_url -
11/27 20:38:33.960 10bc Facility ???INFO: WrapperESXI::connect: fullName - [Name], key - [key]
11/27 20:38:33.960 10bc Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::Convert: FAILED
Searching the forum for "sourceuri" returns no results. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Re: COnverting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:50 am
by yaroslav (staff)
Is the VM shut down?
Please set your account according to this guide

Re: COnverting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:42 pm
by GBDickinson
Yes, the VM is powered off. I followed the linked instructions for the first attempt, and when that did not work, I changed the subscription access to "Owner" in case it was a security issue.

Re: Converting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:39 pm
by yaroslav (staff)
Does the VM have snapshots? If so, try merging/deleting them.

Re: Converting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:51 am
by GBDickinson
No snapshots, this is a fresh OVA deployment of a VMware Identity Management Appliance from OVA. For what it's worth, the disks are created and uploaded successfully, it just errors when creating an Azure VM based on the uploaded disks.

Re: Converting ESXi VM to Azure fails after disk conversion

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:45 am
by yaroslav (staff)
If it fails to create VM in Azure even based on the disk which is already in Azure, there's something with the Azure account settings, I believe.