local file (vmdk) conversion to Azure VM Fails

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

Moderators: anton (staff), art (staff), Max (staff), Anatoly (staff)

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Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:16 pm

Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:36 pm

Hi All,

I am trying to convert a vmdk file I have stored locally to an Azure VM. It keeps failing with the error "This request is not authorized to perform this operation". I had made it a contributor on both the Resource Group and the Subscription as well as a Storage Account and Blob contributor and this error is still happening. I have copied the logs below.

The log file name: 'logs\V2V_Log-20230106-120302.log' (PID 153208)
1/6 12:03:02.205 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: SetDllDirectory: C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarWind V2V Converter\lib
1/6 12:03:02.205 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: File Version:
1/6 12:03:02.210 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: Load language IDR_XML_ENGLISH
1/6 12:03:02.210 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CV2V_ConverterApp::InitInstance: Set current language English
1/6 12:03:02.212 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CPS_V2V_Converter::CPS_V2V_Converter: Version MajorVersion 10, MinorVersion 0, BuildNumber 19044
1/6 12:03:02.217 22c60 Facility ???INFO: WrapperHyperV::WrapperHyperV: LoadLibrary C:\windows\system32\wbem\wmiutils.dll - 30cf0000
1/6 12:03:02.219 22c60 Facility ???INFO: WrapperHyperV::WrapperHyperV: LoadLibrary C:\windows\system32\wbem\wmiutils.dll - 30cf0000
1/6 12:03:07.167 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eInputFile
1/6 12:03:10.779 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CPPInputFile::checkFile: Select file: E:\Redacted\Redacted.vmdk
1/6 12:03:10.842 22c60 Facility ???INFO: VMwareFile::ParseFile: sFilename - E:\Redacted\Redacted.vmdk
1/6 12:03:11.207 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CPPInputFile::checkFile: ParseFile: 0
1/6 12:03:11.209 22c60 Facility ???INFO: CPPInputFile::checkFile: File type: IDS_IMAGE_CONVERTER_FORMAT_NAME_VMDK_SPARSE File size: 2097152000 sectors
1/6 12:03:12.005 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eLocationTo
1/6 12:03:14.152 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eAzureConnectionTo
1/6 12:04:18.887 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eOutputVM
1/6 12:04:52.038 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ConfigNewAzureVM::GetConfigVM: Create new NI
1/6 12:04:52.041 22c60 Facility ???WARNING: CPPOutputVM::OnButtonBrowseClick: Fill up GUID is fail
1/6 12:04:59.518 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eSelectFolder
1/6 12:05:10.045 22c60 Facility ???ERROR: AzureSelectFolderDlg::FillItemExpanded: Parent null: This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
1/6 12:05:12.133 22c60 Facility ???INFO: ICPPage::OnWizardNext: SetActivePage - eConverting
1/6 12:05:12.147 1bd14 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::Convert: InConvertType: 4, OutConvertType: 9
1/6 12:05:12.148 1bd14 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: pathInput: E:\Redacted\Redacted.vmdk, pathOutput: https://blccpocsttamdata.blob.core.wind ... dacted.vhd
1/6 12:05:12.148 1bd14 Facility ???INFO: VMwareFile::ParseFile: sFilename - E:\Redacted\Redacted.vmdk
1/6 12:05:12.503 1bd14 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: CreateInputImage: 0
1/6 12:05:13.843 1bd14 Facility ???ERROR: AzureDisk::CreateOutputImage: This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
1/6 12:05:13.843 1bd14 Facility ???INFO: CPPConverting::ConvertImage: CreateOutputImage: 1
1/6 12:05:13.848 1bd14 Facility ???ERROR: CPPConverting::Convert: FAILED
yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2457
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:09 am

Please make sure to run StarWind V2V Converter as administrator. Also, please make sure to follow this guide https://www.starwindsoftware.com/v2v-he ... Azure.html
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