Newbie Question

VM image converter (VMDK, VHD, VHDX, IMG, RAW, QCOW and QCOW2), P2V migrator

Moderators: anton (staff), art (staff), Max (staff), Anatoly (staff)

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jun 05, 2022 6:24 pm

Sun Jun 05, 2022 6:54 pm

Hello, First Post. Is there any documentation for V2V? I have a really old guest (server 2003) that because of externally connected devices that are failing after 20 years and a really old application I need to convert this guest to a physical box. I believe I have a fair understanding but rather than ask a bunch of stupid questions I could probably figure it out with some written guidance. A couple points, I am a 70 year old retired system engineer, have worked with VMWare since 3.5 (2008) but have never V2P'd. I have a very old home automation system and a lot of old serial to IP devices and many of the serial interfaces have started failing and no one makes replacement serial interfaces anymore, typically USB and well not all USB devices are supported with USB passthru, so physical USB ports on a physical box seems to be my only option. After having an automated house for 25+ years shutting it down would be like losing an old friend and no I don't want to start all over again if I can help it

yaroslav (staff)
Posts: 2457
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:11 am

Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:42 pm


Welcome to StarWind Forum. Sadly, V2V Converter may not work with Windows Server 2003 ... tions.html. Also, StarWind V2V Converter allows for P2V (physical-to-virtual) but not V2P (virtual-to-physical) so I believe there is a slight confusion here.
You still can give it a try, but I am not sure if Windows Server 2003 has all libraries needed for V2V to run.
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